Chapter 458: Death’s Melody-II

Starting the morning with delights, Li Lian stepped out the room in the afternoon, she felt better and relaxed. All her tire had disappeared with the good sleep she had and by being beside Li Jun Wei. While Li Jun Wei left after being called by Xiao Chen, she wondered what they could be talking about. When Li Xiao Chen came, she saw haste appearing on the younger brother's face as if this was something greatly he need to say. 

"Mistress," said Violet who appeared on the end of the corridor and she showed respect by bowing her body. 

"Violet..." Li Lian drawled when she saw the woman, noticing how her cheeks seemed to be grazed by something, "There is blood on your cheeks. Where did you go?"

Violet raised her brows and pulled her hand across her cheeks quickly to wipe the blood, "It is nothing."