Chapter 509: Unforgettable Place-I

The darkness were barely breathable. Sounds of footsteps filled the place but it didn't come clear to his ears how many were in the room with him until one of the people who had been walking back and forward said, "We have gathered more than hundred people is it really necessary to guard this two people?"

Li Xiao Chen could open his eyes here and now to confirm that there were people roaming around him but being smarter than his kidnappers he didn't immediately snap open his eyes to alarm them of his awakening.

"I understand about this woman but the man? It's an awful baggage to bring him her in Japan from China, maybe we had taken the wrong person? I don't remember ever seeing him before," said the same man.

Another voice which also belong to a man replied, "It's Tsui Lan's order do you have it in you to disobey his words? He was the one who brought this man here, I doubt we took the wrong person."