Chapter 521: End Game-II

Low groan of pain came from Wei Tsui Lan who had been shot he writhe in pain but still manically laughed as if the pain didn't matter to him right now and he was driven by an ecstasy.

"Why did you attacked me?" Li Lian asked, the question she couldn't understand. She pushed her heels on the wound on Wei Tsui Lan's legs, having the man down on the ground screaming for pain.

Blood seeped out underneath her heels. "You will feel more pain before your death if you don't answer me, Tsui Lan."

"But you will kill me in the end won't you?" Wei Tsui Lan said with struggle of getting the words out as the pain seared him.

Li Lian's black hair to tussled by the wind. The lack of the light caused her upper face o be hindered by shadows but her deep burning eyes glowed in the darkness, like a panther who was here to avenge the death of her family. "You will suffer less."