System Origin

John didn't want to look like a pervert more than he was in the eyes of this goddess so he started walking. He ran beside Mia and slowly lead the way. It was still noon and John still had time for his ceremony.

Mia now looked more civilized with her new outfit and her new mask. She decided to memorize the route to the ceremony center in case anything happened and she wanted to run. She even listened to people passing by to see if she can learn anything about this moon or not.

John on the other hand didn't know how to make a conversation with all the things that happened. He was scared if he didn't say anything, Mia would leave him but Mia didn't even think about him.

John wasn't attractive and he didn't look strong either, Mia was only following him because of what Amon had told her. when traveling in space, Mia thought about her powers and how they worked. At first, it only looked like a tool to use magic but after Amon appeared, it wasn't just like a tool. It was more like another soul that lived in her body.

Mia thought about her mother and sister's explanations but they didn't mention anything about a system like this. Mostly, a human could only use 4 skills and it was for those who stood at the peak!

Mia decided to see what this system was! The moment Amon said to follow the boy and see what system he would get, Mia accepted.

[Hey I know what you are thinking. Just saying…] Amon suddenly appeared out of thin air and floated beside Mia.

"Ugh Whatever…" Mia grunted.

"What? What do you mean?" John said.

"Oh nothing, I wasn't talking to you. When will we reach the Ceremony Center?" Mia said awkwardly.

"Actually… we are in front of it right now." John stopped and pointed toward the building in front of them.

A tall building made out of glass was in front of them. The ceremony building in front of them was totally different from what Mia remembered on earth. Mia didn't say anything and followed John as he walked in.

When they went inside, it wasn't as crowded as Mia thought it would be. Only three other people were waiting. As soon as the receptionist saw John, she stood up and walked toward John.

"Where have you been? I called your name an hour ago! Come on, go to floor 42" The receptionist was a blonde girl. She wasn't magnificent, she was just pretty. She looked at Mia and said "don't forget to stand outside. It is important if you do or the security would come for you"

Mia nodded and didn't say anything. She was in a mess right now and she didn't want more trouble. John just smiled awkwardly and said "Sorry, Amelia. Something happened I just go to floor 42 asap" John glanced at Mia and started walking toward the elevator.

Mia followed John and got on the elevator. She was wondering why a loser like John would get such treatment. She didn't know if she thought loudly or John was thinking the same thing, John answered "Amelia was a friend of my family and when she heard I was taking the ceremony, she said she would help me."

Mia wanted to say 'Cool' but the door of the elevator opened and the same red hall came into their view. The poster of the strongest system user in human history was on the wall and Mia's father, Ben, was amongst them. Mia felt a nostalgic feeling and she suddenly missed her family. How her mother cared for her or how she promised her sister a good massage session.

John noticed her change of expression and said "Hey is everything OK?"

"Yeah…I just remembered something. Go on! Your system is waiting for you" Mia said.

John shrugged his shoulder and walked toward the only door at the end of the hall. He opened it and went in.

Mia could see the doctor and the white room behind the door. She remembered her ceremony and the feeling and embarrassment she got in that day. Suddenly Amon appeared.

[hey wake up, why are you daydreaming about the past?] Amon said while he was floating in front of Mia.

'What else can I do? I don't even know why I am here.' Mia answered.

[so this is the time you are gonna know about the system origin. Sit and listen carefully cause I'm not gonna repeat again] Amon said and started explaining. Mia sat on the floor and leaned on the wall beside the door.

[you remember I said I was a god? I really am! This so-called system is the tool that will connect you to us and after you get connected, you can use our power to strengthen your bodies. It is different from person to person and most of the time it is random but there are cases when a god wants to share his knowledge with a host so he would choose a person like me that choose you]

[most of the humans would not even know about this because system awakening is at level 15. Humans don't even try to awaken their system so most of them don't know about this. You see these people, even your father, was awakened. I remember he awakened a Fire god or lightning, I'm not sure but he was powerful.]

[the reason we are here today, is that boy has some shadow power in his body and as long as I remember, Dark power is the strongest power in GodRealm. If that boy can get shadow power through the system, you are gonna awaken him. And you may ask what is in it for you? You can get back to earth.]

[I don't know how these systems came into existence. One day, a rift got open in the middle of GodRealm and a crystal appeared in our world. We knew what it was because that crystal was a power transfer crystal but it was super huge and superpowerful even for us, Gods. the council of gods decided to protect it and use it to make ourselves stronger]

[in the end, we got a bit stronger but it wasn't as we expected so we decided to destroy but it didn't matter how hard we tried, we couldn't]

Mia had a lot of questions but due to her high intelligence, she quickly found answer for them but their was a question that bothered her the most. "Why did you chose me? I don't even like people, I avoid them. Why?"

[you had the strongest virgin power I have seen in all my life! That was why I chose you] Amon said.

Mia wanted to ask something but John opened the door and came out.