
2.1 - Moment


Rustling noises were heard throughout the room as the girl was shushing something. I woke up and gazed at the same ceiling, I grow accustomed to this routine. I didn't bother fixing the bed and opened the door to figure out what I just heard. "Neeko, keep quiet." Anna was shushing Neeko as she wrapped her tail around Anna's legs.

"What are you doing so early in the morning?" I asked with a frown expression written all over my face. I observed and it appeared to be that Anna was packing her things and will go home. "Aren't you staying?" I questioned her as I lift Neeko and put her in the living room. "I shouldn't bother you too much." She said awkwardly as she averted her eyes.

"You aren't bothering anybody. Say, wanna skip the lame self-study and go somewhere?" I invited her while I stretched my hands upwards. "Where will we even go?" She asked with a confused look. "It doesn't matter as long as we have fun. Right?" I replied as I went to the cooking area in the living room and cook some breakfast for the both of us and Neeko.

"Ai, I really am glad I got to be your friend." Her tears were swelling as she left her bag and rushed to the living room. "Where shall we go?" She was humming the words while she played with her phone.

If there was something I wish I could take a photo as of now it would be this moment, I don't want to forget this day.


'Friends' they're the kind of people whom you'll inevitably have by your side whether you prefer being alone. Truth is, we can't do anything that much being alone. Though 'being alone' itself is not bad if you've placed the blame to society as how you aren't able to have any friends. Humans are rapidly growing and to the 7 Billion people out there you at least have some few people to call as a friend.

For me when I hear the word friend I remember Anna, I thought how much fun it would be if I became friends with you sooner. My perspective of things might change, I guess this page of my life is also fine to spend with you.

"The train is here, stop standing anxiously Anna." I nagged. We went inside and found some seats beside the window on the left. "Which seat do you want?" I asked her. "You can sit on the closest to the window." She suggested. "If you say so." I replied. The train began to accelerate a minute after we sat down. I opened the bag and took out some lunchboxes to be honest my stomach is kinda growling.

"Will you eat yours right now?" I asked Anna as I handed her lunchbox. "Yeah, the food taste much better with someone to share." She smiled. I glanced at the window seat and the scorching heat of the sun radiated to me at a certain extent I had to get up my seat. "Hmm, what's wrong Ai?" Anna asked with a worried tone. "The sun is just emitting heat too much." I replied. "Oh, what a choice of words." She giggled. I kinda find her giggling cute.

"Do you want to change seats?" She asked. "No, it's fine." I smirked. I sat again as the train was engulfed in darkness, we went inside a tunnel.

Being surrounded by darkness I felt being isolated from the rest of the world, I didn't like it nor dislike it. It was rather quiet so I opened my phone and play a random playlist to ease this uncertain feeling.

And so, time also began accelerating as the bullet train did the same, I fell asleep before reaching the end of the tunnel.