
2.5 - A reason to hold on.


"The sun is already setting." I sighed. "Want to camp here atop the hill?" Anna asked. "Do we even have such equipment?" I mean we didn't plan for a camping, the boy was sipping a coffee. "I already planned that we would camp here and I even thought bringing an extra sleeping bag." She grinned cheerfully. I was once again captivated by her. "Is it fine to stay with the two of you? I mean..." He replied while he signaled that he was a boy and we're a girl.

"Are you the type of guy to take advantage of such situation?" Anna responded with a doubted expression. "I don't have such courage to do so." He remarked with a low-spirited tone. "Then it's fine but if you're still worried then you can move further." Anna suggested.

"If that's settled then any ideas on our dinner?" I pondered. I gazed to the sun where the last bit of sunlight will still radiate in the end. "I'll help." The boy volunteered. "There you have it, I also brought some food we just need something to keep the fire burning." Anna said.

The guy and I walk down the hill to grabbed some good sticks and possibly some ash.

Time passed by and it was already 6:25 pm. "What should we call you?" I asked a question to initiate a conversation in this silent forest. Where the cries of crows and bats are easily heard in this woodland. "A name?" He replied. "Yeah, I mean the name you said earlier... What was it again?" I replied, with a confused face. "It's Genos. How about you what's your name?" He asked. "I told you already it's Aiaen or you weren't listening earlier?" I pouted.

We walked alongside. "I guess I wasn't listening earlier haha." He giggled. "So. want to talk about it? We can take a little detour." I suggested and pointed out a different route leading to the cave where we were earlier. It's not wrong to know him more better right, I asked myself such questions. "It wouldn't hurt I guess considering we got all night." He remarked.

I think he's the first guy whom I tried to be friends with. Well, there were other guys who wanted to befriend me some did like me I'm still trying to figure out why and some are just possibly playboys. Is he one of them, I don't think so? I thought about it nonchalantly. "What do you want to know?" He asked in a straightforward manner.

Things that I want to know I think about what to reply for a second. "The logical question I think is why were you there?" After thinking I replied. "I could also ask you the same, but its really hard to explain and you might not believe it." He responded bluntly. "Well, I was wandering around then, I stumble upon that cave so I thought exploring it. It's fine whatever your reason is as long as it's not that unbelievable." What could he even possibly say right? Like he's a time traveler and went back to the past? I mean, that's very unlikely right? As I thought about what will he say he remarked. "I am from the future and when I was in the city something strange happened I'm still not sure but I know that this is the past." "What...?" I uttered.

He's just joking around. I told my mind. "Where I came from, the environment are far worse and the trees, river, sky, and animals are mostly extinct." His eyes weren't kidding. Is he really serious? "That's impossible right? Are you sure you aren't just dreaming?" Its beyond the bounds of possibility in this reality. I tried to shrug off his explanation. "I told you it's not something you hear everyday or even perceive would happen. However, in the future such things are just common." He continued. Without a trace of doubt on him, I was forced to accept his explanation for now.

"Assuming you're from the future can you tell a future event that will happen sooner?" I tried testing his statement. "What year is it, the month, and the day?" He asked. "August 15, 2008" I said. I was about to witness something phenomenal or a gag, I gulped.

"On August 27,2008 Barack Obama becomes the first African-American to be nominated by a major political party for President of the United States. And, he will win the election and become officially the President of the United States as the 44th President." He remarked.

"August 27? If it won't happen then I guess you were just creating a story." I replied. "It will happen if you don't tell anyone so the history won't be rewritten." He responded.

I guess I'll hold on to his prediction for now I thought about it silently. "Shall we go back?" He suggested. It should be better to put aside this matter for now, I replied. "Yeah, Anna will be furious if we stall long enough." Without wasting a second we hurriedly went back, as his words still lingers through my mind.

"Where were you? You've been gone for almost an hour?" As expected, with a frown expression she said ragingly. "Well we picked certain good sticks and found some ash Anna." I explained. "Didn't you two just took the chance to confess to one another?" She replied irritatingly. "Wha... stop blabbering nonsense." I responded quickly. "Anyway here's what I found." Genos said without minding Anna saying nonsensical things.

"Thanks, uhmm..." Anna still doesn't know how to address Genos. "You can call me Genos so I can call you Anna right?" He asked as he sat down near the campfire. "Yeah, that's fine. Do you want to help cooking the dish?" Anna proposed. "Sure." With a faint smile seen on Genos face I felt relief.

Although our conversation earlier still discombobulates me, if it will happen I wonder what will I do? The world was covered in darkness while little by little stars become visible at the sky. Basking atop the moonlight different thoughts swerve fervently, I stared nonchalantly.

"Hey, Ai we can eat now!" Anna called me. "I'll be there in a second!" I replied. With this day coming to an end such a perplexing encounter happened, will it lead to a fruitful end or a regretful one?

Will these two still remember me as time goes by?

I wish.


"Why are you sitting there silently?" Genos asked. I glanced to him. "I was just thinking about something, never mind about that." I replied with a faint smile.

Anna just watched both of us without uttering a word.

Will I be able to look back at this moment in the near future and relish the past?

Why am I always like this? Questioning things that doesn't make any sense.
