Magical Towers

When people hear the word Wardstone, they generally think of some kind of stone or even gem stone. And the would not be wrong because many of the wardstones used in the world are found in the form of some kind of stone.

But that's not all that a wardstone is.

A wardstone is something that can collect the ambient magic surrounding our environment over a period of time and then turn the magic power stored inside it to provide power to the wards.

Though that definition would not be perfect either because Harry could easily find many other ways to use the power of a Wardstone instead of charging and maintaining a ward.

But the point was that a wardstone doesn't necessarily needs to be a stone.

It could be anything that stores magical power inside of it and whose magical power could be used for other purposes.

In the short time that Harry had spent in the magical world, he had seen numerous kinds of wardstones.

The horn on top of a unicorn head made for a very powerful wardstone.

The bones of a dragon or the bones of basically any magically powerful creature would make for a great wardstone as well.

In fact, if he had gone along with the canon plot and killed Besalla, then he could have easily sold all of her bones at a very high price simply because they would have made excellent ward stones.

Not that he would ever do such a thing to Besalla now as she had become rather loyal to him and he now felt a little attached to her as well.

But the point remained that a wardstone could basically be anything.

But despite that knowledge, he was rather shocked by the wardstones used to charge the 2nd magical tower.

In fact, the whole thing looked like a big joke and he would not have believed that this was a magical tower that would amplify the signal of the Magical Phones if Selena had not confirmed it to him and if the coordinates had not matched.

In front of him sat a large rock the size of a car which looked like it was being readied for a tribal ritual because of the thousands of large runes covering it's surface.

But that was not all of it. The rock was then tied to four large branches of some kind of magical tree.

Harry knew that they only reason why he had named this construct a magical tower was because of the metallic metallic towers in his past life which amplified the connection of a mobile.

And he also knew that the magical towers his people would create would not look like towers.

But never in his wildest imagination would have guessed that his magical towers would look like… this.

He sighed in disappointment.

Then he shook his head and started walking toward the Magical Tower.

As long as it worked and did it's job properly, that much should be enough.

He was paying his employees to carve runes properly.

He was not paying them to make it look pretty.

Then he started checking all the runes and charms placed on it and after half an hour, he was finally sure that the everything was as it should be and that the Magical tower was working properly.


He grimaced at the thought of anyone finding this ugly thing and printing it at the daily prophet.

So he added a few charms and runes around the Magical tower that would keep others from finding it as long as they didn't have his permission.

This would also keep the tower safe from people who would tried to copy his achievements and what not.

With that done, Bitty took him to the next Magical tower and he grimaced once again as it didn't look any better than the first one.

Apparently, he would have to hide all the fourteen towers that his employees had created and installed all over England after he checked their performance.


"Can you hear me?" Harry asked as he stood on most northern part of Britain while looking at the Magical Phone from which Mia rolled her eyes and replied.

"Yes Harry. I can both hear you and see you clearly. Does this mean that the Magical towers are working perfectly?" she asked.

Harry grimaced at the reminder that those things were supposed to be towers. He wondered if it was too late to change their names at this point.

Because calling those things 'Towers' definitely felt like calling a Donkey a Unicorn.

He shook his head and replied "Yes. Since you're standing at the Southern most part of Britain, the distance between the two of us should be large enough that without the towers the Magical Phones would not have connected. So yes, the test is a success."

"Is that so. That's good news. What's next?" she asked.

"Next, you need to go the eastern most part of the Britain and I'll go the Western most part and then we'll call each other once again."

"Okay." She said and then Phone went blank, replaced by the transparent screen from which he could see the liquid of the Pensieve flowing inside the Magical Phone.

Then the put the phone back inside the purse being apparating to the western most city he'd ever visited before taking out his Nimbus 2000 and started travelling west.


After testing the distance, he and Mia went ahead and tested the under different conditions.

Like calling each other while being under water.

Calling each other while staying inside a heavily warded place.

Calling each other from closed areas.

And many other tests that their magical phones passed with ease.

The problem was that the same could not be said for the videos.

Unlike Video calls, memories could not be sent via normal Towers.

They were just not constructed with that in mind.

Which was why he was now selecting a place in the middle of a Britain that would serve as the location for the Central tower.

And yes, since he was the one personally creating this tower, he would make sure that it doesn't look butt ugly and that it does actually resembles a tower.

With that thought, he called in Bitty and then the both of them started creating the foundation.

Author's Note:- If you guys like my work and have a bit of change to spare, then please support me at