Desperate win against Flitwick

Flitwick ducked under the barrage of spells that came his way before creating a shield in front of him in order to protect himself.

As the soon as the shield came into existence, it was bombarded with dozens of spells which created numerous cracks on it, shocking him to no end.

This was one of the most powerful shields he had in his arsenal and to think that it was broken by a 12 year old boy.

He really should have taken this fight seriously.

The shield stood for a few more moments before crumbling into non existence, but those few moments were all he needed to launch a counter attack.

He was not a master at transfiguration, but that didn't meant that he would use it when necessary.

A large wall made of stone was suddenly transfigured in front of him from the stones on the floor. A wall which crumbled into dirt under the furious assault of his student.

Still, the wall gave him enough time to cast an overpowered conjuring spell and a few dozen small birds came in existence and chased after Harry.

An overpowered wide area stunner took care of all the birds who lost their forms upon falling to the ground, shocking him a great deal once again.

He had no idea that you could turn the Stunning spells into an wide area spell. But he would not expect anything less from his prodigious student either.

Plus, the birds had been low powered distraction in the first place.

He waved his wand while quickly chanting a spell under his breath and the pieces of dirt and stones on the floor rose up to form a giant 8 ft tall crude humanoid stone golem that looked like the creation of 4 year old child than someone like him but he had little time to make it and it would serve his purpose quite well.

The stone golem took a shield on his hands and moved forward with grim determination while he started to chant an overpowered spell that would break through any shield that Harry could have created, giving him the chance to stun the boy before he could regain his bearings.

He knew that the stone golem would provide him with enough time as it was one of few most powerful transfigurations spells under his belt.

A spell that was taught to him by Albus Dumbledore himself when he was a young lad.

A spell that he used to great effect to win his duels in his international arena.

The golem was one of the aces in his belts that he only used against formidable opponents which was how he knew that Harry Potter had become very powerful over the past two months.

But even after being so powerful, the boy would not find it easy to destroy the golem.

Or so he thought before the floor under the golem's feet turned into quicksand and buried the golem up to it's chest.

He only had a moment to be shocked by the ingenious idea and the amount of power that must have been used to transfigure such a large area before the stunners started flying his way and he had to stop his chant and break his spell in order to roll away from the barrage of incoming spells.

He could see that Harry was breathing heavily at this point because of overexerting himself in the last barrage of spell and used his chance to create a shield in front of himself once again.

It filled him with shame that he had to hide behind his shield time and time again in front of a student but Harry had become very fast in the last two months and he was firing stunning spells like a machine gun.

And any of those stunning spell was more than enough to put him out of commission so he had to be careful.

Harry stopped his barrage of stunning spells in order to conjure a few snakes around him.

Snakes that would have easily gotten to him because the shield he had created was only capable of protecting him from the front.

He cursed his luck dodged out of the way in order to get away from the snakes who lunged after him with their maws wide open.

Unfortunately, that action forced him to drop his shield and he had to face the barrage of stunners from Harry once again.

He quickly created a weak temporary shield in front of him which got blown to pieces by a bludgeoning hex followed by a red stunner which finally penetrated his defences and would have struck him in the face if not for his fast reflexes.

The stunner missed his face by a few inches and he retaliated by firing a few curses of his own which were easily dodged by the boy in return.

He still remembered the first day when Harry was not even able to dodge a single spell.

To see the boy dodge his stunners with such ease clearly showed that he must have trained very hard over the past few months.

He conjured a few dozen birds in front of him to form a distraction for the boy once again. A distraction that would give him the chance to earn his victory but his plan backfired when the boy used a wide area transfiguration to turn all the birds into snakes that came after him as soon as they touched the ground.

Blasted Parselmouths.

He cast a curse and a rain of needles skewered the snakes, destroying the magical constructs and readied himself for the barrage of spells that hit him a few seconds later.

But this time, he could clearly see the difference in the spells.

The spells were slower and weaker than before, giving him enough time to deal with them and launch a counter attack of his own.

The boy was running out of magic and they both knew it.

Which meant that the boy was definitely about to do something reckless.

He held no illusions that the boy would go down easily without a fight so with one final thought, he started the chain of spells that he had created for a situation just like this.

Jelly leg jinx followed by a Mild concussion hex followed by another Jelly leg jinx which was then followed by a stunner.

The chain of spells was simple and any 3rd year student would easily be able to perform it and that is why it made the chain so useful at this point.

It required very little magic and concentration to keep up this chain of spells which meant that he could simply keep performing it again and again without the need to stop.

The boy dodged the first few spells but the exhaustion of the long battle was catching up to him which was rather clear by his loud breathing that be heard from across the room.

Large sweatdrops fell on the ground as the boy dodged around the spells and threw back a few spells of his own in retaliation that he either dodged or simply swatted away.

The boy was exhausted and the stunners he sent at this point simply lacked the speed and power required to make them dangerous and he doubted that the stunners would even knock him unconscious at this point.

He kept up the chain of spells against the boy who tried to form a shield in desperation in order to catch his breath.

A shield that was torn apart by his spells by a blasting hex before he continued the chain of spells once again, forcing the exhausted boy to go on the run once again.

The boy dodged and dodged and dodged until a Jelly leg jinx finally caught up to him followed by a stunner that struck him on his shoulders and the boy went still for a short moment before he simply slumped on the ground.

Flitwick took a deep breath as he finally won the fight against his 12 year old opponent and slumped in relief.

It would have been terribly embarrassing if he lost against the boy so early in a duel.

Provided that he had not used most of the dangerous and harmful spells that he would have in a real dueling match but he was sure that he would still be able to defeat any 7 year student in Hogwarts.

But then again, he expected nothing less from the…

His thoughts came to a halt as he saw a red stunner flying toward him through the wand of the fallen boy whom he had thought to be unconscious.

He knew that the stunner to the chest should have brought the boy down but somehow it failed to do so.

It took all the reflexes he had to smack the red stunner and he almost sighed in relief at the close save when he saw a translucent spell following behind the red stunner.

He had no time to think any further as the translucent spell hit him straight in the chest and his body froze in an instant.

The effect translucent spell was very similar to the Full body bind spell Petrificus Totalus except that this spell did not made him snap in attention.

It simply froze him where he stood.

In the distance, he saw Harry getting up with a tired yet victorious grin before the boy pointed his wand at him and a red stunner flew in his direction.

'Damn!' was his last thought before the spell struck him and lost his consciousness.

Author's Note:- My fight scenes do need a bit of work before they become more entertaining but I do hope you liked the chapter anyway.

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Have a nice day :)