Resurrection stone

"Harry. You've been studying that black gemstone for the past few hours. Can you at least tell me what's so special about it?" Hermione huffed while crossing her arms and he had to stop the urge to pull her cheeks once again because of how adorable she looked.

He knew that she would eventually grow up to be a beautiful woman and then he would be able to advance their relationship but till then, he would just enjoy himself by teasing her.

"If you want my attention so much then you could just say it you know." He said with a smirk that would definitely get a raise out of the girl.

And just like he predicted, Hermione frowned at his words before groaning in annoyance at him.

"Fine. If you don't want to tell me, then keep it to yourself." She said with a huff and turned around to continue practicing the Will & Intent magic.

He smiled at her angry expression and hugged her gently from behind. She didn't protest because she was used to such surprise hugs from him and they stayed quietly like that for a few moments before he spoke without breaking the hug "What do you know the 'Deathly


"Deathly Hallows?" she asked with a confused expression and he realized that she probably didn't knew anything about it which was understandable.

The Original Harry and his friends didn't knew about the Deathly Hallows until Xenophilius Lovegood told them about it.

"Yes. Do you know about the tale of the Three Brothers?" he asked while burying his face in her bushy hair.

"Harry." She said with exasperation at his antics but didn't push him away "I think I've heard about that story. It's about the three brothers who met death and then were rewarded by it."

"Yup. That's the one." He said and kissed her cheeks gently, finally getting the blush from her that he wanted "Do you remember what those three gifts were?"

"Let me think.. Umm… The first brother was given a wand… The second brother was given a stone to bring back the spirits of the dead and the third one was given a invisibility clock from Death's own cloak."

"Good. Those were the gifts that were given by death to the three brothers and together they're called the deathly hallows." He said and a quill and notepad flew in front of her and started drawing the sign of the Deathly Hallows.

"But Harry, what does that has to do anything with that… oh."

"Yes." He nodded and showed the stone which held the same engravings in it and Hermione's eyed widened in shock before she regained her bearings and scrutinized the stone closely.

"Harry, you do know that just because someone carved a symbol on a black rock doesn't actually mean that it's a Deathly Hallow, right?" she asked while closely inspecting the stone.

"Of course Hermione. I may act like a fool sometimes but that doesn't mean I'm actually stupid." He drawled and she blushed at his words.

"Yea. Sorry about that. But still. Why do you think that this is the real Deathly Hallow?"

"Well…" How the hell would he explain that he saw the stone being used in a movie in which she was one of the character.

The answer was clear.

He couldn't.

Not at this moment at least.

"Well?" Hermione asked, getting impatient because of his hesitation and silence.

So instead of answering her question, he put the stone in her palm and closed her fist before he whispered in her ears "Do you have any loved ones in your family that died. Someone that you want to meet?"

Hermione froze for a moment and then said "I did had a grandmother who died in an accident when I was five years old. But I don't remember…"

That's as far as she went before an old woman materialized in front of them.

He felt Hermione's breath hitch and he himself felt a shiver of fear go through his body.

He had seen the stone being used in the movie before Harry went to Voldemort in order to die. But seeing it in a movie and experiencing it in real life are two very different things.

The ring brought back the shades of the dead.

Provided that it didn't really Ressurect the people like how it's name suggested but still.

It brought back the shade of the dead people so that the living could talk with them.

How the hell is that even possible.

Despite being an exceptional wizard who played with the laws of the world on a regular basis, he found this experience to be rather disconcerting.

"Granny." Hermione cried in his embrace and ran toward the ghostly figure in order to hug her loving Grandma who was giving her a gentle smile.

But before Hermione could jump at the old woman in order to hug her, he ran behind her and caught her by her arms.

"Harry." She cried out and gave him a pitiful expression "Please let me go. That's my grandma." She sobbed a bit and he felt his heart wrench in pain at her sadness.

Perhaps he should have used this stone himself before giving it to Hermione.

But couldn't do that because of the fear that the Shades of James and Lily Potter would recognize his true identity and blame him for taking their son's body of something.

If Hermione heard them say something like that, then it would a disaster as he was trying his best to hide his identity of a future transmigrator.

"No Hermione. Remember the story of the second brother." He said while rubbing her back in a soothing gesture "Remember how he tried to bring back his lover and killed himself in the end because his lover couldn't live with him. That…" he pointed at the old woman "Is not your real grandmother. She is just a shade of her. So you won't be able to touch her or force her to live with you."

"You can only interact with her for a few minutes after which you must let her go." He said and Hermione wiped her tears and sniffed a bit before giving him a nod.

He nodded back in return and allowed her to leave his embrace after which she went and started talking with her grandma who was still looking at the girl with an indulgent and loving expression.

He wondered if he could use the stone.

He did not have any loved ones that he could ressurect in this life and he couldn't remember any person from his past life.

In essence, this stone was rather useless to him.

Still, he wondered if he would be able to bring back some of the greatest wizards in history.

If he could, then would he be able to learn from them?

Would they even care to teach him?

He knew that he was a great wizard in his own rights but he was also sure that he would be able to learn a great deal of things from other older and experienced wizards.

Especially if he could talk with someone like Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor and the Great Wizard Merlin himself.

He knew that it was highly unlikely that he would be able to bring back the shades of the founders or Merlin but he wouldn't know until he tried.

Plus, he was not sure if a shade of the dead people would even be inclined to help him.

And if they did want to help him, then how long would they stay in the living world. And how many times would he be able to call upon them.

He needed more time and an empty place to experiment with this stone.

He wondered if he would be able to bring back the shade of the Original Harry Potter.

That would be truly ironic, wouldn't it.

He was broken out of his thoughts when he saw Hermione start to sob in front of her grandma once again.

He put the thoughts of experimenting with the stone in the back of his mind and went to support Hermione.

There were a lot of questions running in his mind about the Resurrection stone and the Deathly Hallows.

If being the owner of those three artifacts would truly make him an immortal like the legends said or not.

If he even wanted such an immortality or not.

But for the moment, giving support to Hermione takes precedent.

So he went behind him and hugged the sobbing girl once again who turned around and fell in his embrace while sobbing.

It took a long while for her to calm down after which she talked with her granny once again.

The talk was nothing really special but simply Hermione telling her Granny how much she missed her and her Granny telling her how she was so proud of her and how she would always love her.

And after they said their goodbyes, the Granny finally turned and him and he felt the hair on his back stand at her gaze.

This was a dead person staring at him.

And he found the experience rather scary so he was not very keen on talking with her.

Maybe he would postpone the experiments of ressurection stone.

Yup, that seems like a fucking lovely idea.

"You don't need to fear me child." The old woman said with a smile and he tried to smile back for Hermione but it came out more as a grimace than anything else.

"I can see that you are a very good friend of my granddaughter. She can be a handful sometimes. So please take care of her." She said and bowed to him sincerely.

He bowed to her in return and when he looked up once again, she was gone.

He turned to look at Hermione and found that she had genuine smile on her face with an expression that clearly said that she had finally accepted the death of her granny.

Good for her.

He hugged her from behind once again and she continued to gaze at the place where the shade of her granny vanished before she leaned in his hug and rested her head on his shoulder.