Dreadful Call

Wu SuYi finished her work late at night. Mei LiLi had been glueing herself toward her, wanting to know curiously of what happened between her and Han XiGuang. She also noticed how her junior seemed to have noticed her discomfort to the man, therefore, her endless questions to her.

If Mei LiLi who was usually oblivious to her surrounding's air and atmosphere knew her discomfort, she doubted Han XiGuang had missed it as well.

"Forget it," she whispered to herself, leaning on the back of her chair. Behind her was the tall window glass that allowed her to have the beautiful night scenery of the fast growing city of Chongqing.

She should forget it now. It had passed, "Two days had passed," there was no call from him and he wouldn't know how to call her either. Even if Han XiGuang was very curious about her, it won't be for long. After all, there should be more in this world that would pique his interest more than her.

After days of work, Wu SuYi decided to relax for herself. Her goal for a good life was simple— a good sleep, bath, and work that she loves. It was all she needed and she didn't ask more. Because she knew the price of this little happiness she has was difficult to get.

Wu SuYi went to the bath, immersing her body in the warmth water, feeling how all her tense muscles turn lax. After the bath, Wu SuYi made herself a great dinner when her phone rang. Her whole body flinched at the ringing sound that brought up a crawling trauma from her spine.

She snapped out from the brief episode of her shock and made her way to her phone. Her steps were slow as though she was receiving a death sentence. Once she stopped at the counter where her phone was located, she hesitantly peeked over the name on the phone.

She was relieved when she saw it was Mei LiLi and the breaths she didn't know she had been holding on tightly in her lungs seeped out from her lips at once.

Taking the call, she smiled when hearing the other person's cheery voice, "Senior Wu! Senior Wu!"

Wu SuYi chuckled hearing her adorable voice. Mei LiLi had become a part of her family to her, like a younger sister who she would always dote on. But she cleared her voice, adding a little strict tone on her voice, "What is it, LiLi?"

"Uhm," Mei LiLi hesitated from the call, "I wanted to know if you are feeling alright."

Wu SuYi raised both of her eyebrows. As she expected Mei LiLi must have noticed her uncomfortableness for the past few days. Han XiGuang didn't do anything to her but his company couldn't help but brought up those memories she tried so hard to forget.

"Of course I am. What? Do I look upset?" Wu SuYi questioned. She placed her phone on loudspeaker and continued to go on with her dinner.

"Well, of course not. I suspect that you are not feeling well a little," Mei LiLi couldn't put it in words but she could feel how Wu SuYi had seemed to be on extra guard, more so than ever. "Are you still worried of that little boy, senior?"

Rui's face popped on Wu SuYi's head like a little cloud. She remembered the boy's frightened face that would only ease up when she smiled toward him. It made her feel guilty to leave him too soon when he still needed comfort, "He has his father, I am sure he would be alright."

"But isn't it strange, Senior Wu?" Mei LiLi hushed her voice as if to avoid any third person in between their conversation even though they were conversing through a phone call.

"What is?" Wu SuYi stopped rolling her fork on the pasta and stared at the phone.

"Well, because I was a little curious, I did some search about Mr. Han. And of course I did this legally! Through some magazine, I read that he is barely twenty five years old."

Wu SuYi's eyebrows crooked. That's one year younger than her.

"I suppose its not strange for him to have a son? But his son is seven years old… that would mean he had his son when he was still—" Wu SuYi cut her words by clearing her throat again.

"It's not strange. Sometimes love and hormones goes together strongly when a person is younger," she answered. "It's not strange to see that nowadays. Though I don't support it. Is that all you found strange?"

"No! Actually, I found more strange informations that doesn't add up. According to the news, the Eustodia company did belong to Mr. Han but he wasn't the head of the organization until the late two years ago. He was also known to be single until all of a sudden he was spotted with his son. That was the first time the news about him being a father broke out," Mei LiLi had given all the information which Wu SuYi didn't have to search for.

"What about the mother of the son?" Wu SuYi then asked. All she had been hearing was Han XiGuang's name and the boy, Rui but nothing of the mother's condition.

"It is unknown," Mei LiLi responded. "He is known to be a single dad but as for who his wife was is still an unknown mystery."

Wu SuYi swiped her hand through her head. What was she thinking?! Digging up about a person she just met? This wasn't like her and to think that Han XiGuang wasn't the person involved to her past.

"LiLi," Wu SuYi called, "I know you were thinking about me but I think you should put a rest to finding out about Mr. Han. He is just someone who passed by and we won't meet him again. By we, I mean me. LiLi?" Wu SuYi called for her junior's name again and again for no reply to come. As she was getting worried, Wu SuYi heard a faint snore from the other line of the call and shook her head. Mei LiLi had fallen asleep while calling her.

"Go sleep well," whispered Wu SuYi before she ended the call. She continued to eat the pasta for another four bites when her phone rang again. She didn't look at the name of the caller and immediately put the screen against her ears, "You can fall asleep now. It's not necessary to call me—"

"Young lady you are expected to come to the main house this Monday," a strict and stoic voice replied to her, the exact opposite of Mei LiLi's bright and friendly's voice. One who heard the person's voice could imagine at once the face of an expressionless man who stood like a wall.

Wu SuYi's eyes widened. Fear and anger rushed into her entire body. "How do you know this phone call? I will never come back to the main house."

The other person paused before he spoke back, "The master had given you five years. He wish to tell you this: 'it's time to stop fooling around and come back to where you belong.'"

"I don't belong there!" Wu SuYi who had always kept her cool finally snapped. She tried to calm herself but the fear of her past rushed back at her like a haunting ghost. "Tell him, I will not go there. Never."

"The master won't be happy when he heard this. You know that, young lady." It infuriated Wu SuYi more when she imagined the face of the person who had ended the call one-sidedly. His tone was still monotone to her ears and listening to him always reminded her of a loyal dog whose loyalty only lays on his master. She remembered how she had treated him once as a friend and how easily he had betrayed her.

"Those fuckers," Wu SuYi cursed between her teeth, when she remembered the large but wretched house that she had to live in and spend almost of her youth there. Her hand that was clenched to a fist couldn't help to slam itself on the table. "I will not step to that house ever again!"

Away from Wu SuYi's residence, Han XiGuang who had just finished his job was greeted by the little guy who opened the door of his room and peeked out to stare at him. His eyes searched his left and right before tears filled in.

Han XiGuang came toward the little guy and carried him on one arm, "I didn't promise you I will bring her today." He spoke, knowing exactly what that had made his son cry.

Rui stared at him in disbelief that his tears stopped, "Tomorrow?" He negotiated.

Han XiGuang widened his grin, "We can do that little guy but only if you agree to work on this together with me."