
Pulling her bag, Wu SuYi marched forward, pretending as if she didn't see him. If only Han XiGuang would have done the same, perhaps her plan would have gone well, it would have!

"Miss Wu," Han XiGuang's voice was smooth as he called up her name, so much that Wu SuYi's heels stopped for a faint second.

Rui who had struggled from his father's arm was finally let down. The little boy rushed with all his might and hug Wu SuYi's legs as tightly as he could, mustering almost all of the strength his small body would have.

Wu SuYi was startled by the boy's hug but it wasn't unpleasant at all. A wide smile quickly spread on her lips when her eyes met with Rui.

Han XiGuang's eyes burned as he watched her smiling. The way her red lips curved upward urge him to come closer, unfortunately for him, it appears that he had created a terrible image to her. As once she noticed his presence coming closer, her smile fell and an apprehensive look came on her lovely face.

"How did you know I am here?" Wu SuYi questioned carefully, her eyes narrowing as she accused the man.

Han XiGuang only raised his eyebrows. His handsome face was always adorned with a smile that made it difficult for anyone to guess what crazy thoughts were running on his mind. But Wu SuYi could swear the man's smile became wider whenever he looked at her, which to her was a warning.

"I am flattered that you think I came here because of you, but unfortunately, I wasn't here for you, Miss Wu. I was called here," Han XiGuang pointed his hand toward a man who was brought by the policemen to the jail.

"Another kidnapper?" Wu SuYi questioned in confusion.

"Close, but this time it is a burglary. This man tried to steal my car," Han XiGuang shrugged his wide shoulders as he spoke.

On the side, Wu SuYi subtly seized his figure. She had always noticed how big Han XiGuang's body was. Even though she had fingers longer compared to other girls, the man seemed to have a taller and firmer hands. Is this why he sounded so much at ease even as he describe how he almost met danger?

The way he spoke made it seemed as if the incident was no stranger to him. As if, he had been through this every single day.

"You seem to attract danger, the kidnapper and now the burglary," Wu SuYi mentioned, eliciting a grin from him.

"That's why I decided to work on this line of work. Danger come to me and fortunately for me, I am stronger than those danger," Han XiGuang then looked at her, "You were here for your work?"

Han XiGuang knew her as a lawyer, therefore his little question. But Wu SuYi knew what kind of actions the rich and wealthy would usually took when they met a person that interest them— a background check. It was possible their meeting wasn't coincidence, but Wu SuYi brushed all those thoughts away as she knew she was being over paranoid.

"Yes, there was a little case," Wu SuYi who had carried Rui on her arm then felt awkward to suddenly pull the boy away as she could feel from his small arm how much he wanted warmth from a woman, perhaps a mother.

She wondered where his mother was, but also know the question was too sensitive and probing for her to inquire.

"You seem like you were out off work as well?" She then questioned, thinking to form a little chit chat before leaving.

"Yeah, today was a little special day," Han XiGuang looked down at Rui with a faint chuckle. "It's the day for me and this little boy to celebrate his success on a competition."

"A competition?!" Mei LiLi had been standing from the side, wondering if she had to be quiet as she sensed no space for her to intrude but wasn't able to control her reaction. "That's amazing! How old is he? Isn't he seven? And yet he already won a competition?! That's amazing!!"

"Thank you for your praise but you're a little exaggerating," Han XiGuang chuckled. "He just won a simple competition. Doesn't mean it is anything less for a celebration."

Although Han XiGuang was humble with his words, Wu SuYi could see clear his proudness over his little boy's achievement.

"Isn't that good?" Wu SuYi whispered, "To have someone who could remember what you achieve, support you, and celebrate that triumph beside you. I'm sure Rui is happy as well. Aren't you, little boy?"

Rui who was hugging Wu SuYi tightly as per his father's instruction if they were to meet again slowly lifted his face and a smug smile appear on the little boy's face.

Han XiGuang couldn't help but burst to a faint laugh when seeing how hard Rui was trying to impress himself. "Well then, it's already dark, I wouldn't want to stop you here now, Miss Wu. Come Rui, we'll celebrate your day at home. Unfortunately for you, that little bastard had ruined your special celebration."

Rui looked at Wu SuYi before turning to his father with a blank face. He then tilted his face as if questioning with his eyes why his father wasn't doing anything that could stop Wu SuYi from leaving. Even though he said he would try to impress her at home! This was betrayal! He lied!

"Coward," Rui whispered as lightly as he could to prevent Wu SuYi from hearing his words while resentfully glaring to his father but Han XiGuang remain smiling.

Han XiGuang went closer toward Rui that caused Wu SuYi to back down a little only to be startled when the man asked aloud, "What is that? You want Miss Wu to come and celebrate with you at home?"

Wu SuYi's eyes snapped wide as she stared affixed on Han XiGuang's sly gaze. His smile widen as he saw her confusion while looking back and forward from him and her.

Rui's smile widened and he stared at Wu SuYi with pleading gaze that no one would have the heart to break, "Please?" The boy's final plea melt Wu SuYi's kind heart which was weak to children.