Night Call

Wu SuYi didn't took a single look to her back as she left the mansion. In her mind, the words that her aunt spoke of rang. Finding herself a good place to stop, Wu SuYi released all her anger by silently screaming in her heart.

They were too much. The man who called himself his father, the other two younger men who claimed to be her older brothers. Never was they once interested in her. Never! And now that it was her time to get married they wanted to get involved?!

No, Wu SuYi calmed herself in her mind.

They didn't want to get involved. Perhaps they had forgotten her existence until they remember how she could be a good card to trade for more wealth to the family. She could see how her father would sell her to get married with a rich man who could benefit Wu Family.

Everything frustrated her. The fact that she let her emotions get the best of her when she met her family, and how she actually feared her father's threaten to her.

She knew. While she could do her best to court her father, the Wu Family was too powerful for her to take on alone. Even if she did meet them in the court, the possibility for her to win the case was close to zero. Even the best lawyers on China wouldn't be able to win the case against Wu Family with all of their underhanded tricks.

Their influence was wide and spread to all part of ChongQing, it was impossible for her to defeat them. This was one reason why she could never remove her own name from the Wu Family.

The freedom she acquired was actually a freedom given to her. As it was given, it could also be taken away. The mere thought sent chill to the back of her spine.

Wu SuYi didn't have time, she needed to find a method to safe herself!

"Another country," she whispered to herself but then shook her head, "No, it would be too late. They would find me."

As Wu SuYi's head was clamored a loud call surprised her from her thoughts. Her heart raced in shocked and she took the phone immediately. An unknown number reflected on her screen.

Thinking it could be an important call of her work, she composed herself. Even though her mood was the worse, she remain professional on her job.

"Hello, this is Wu SuYi, anything I could help you with?" Wu SuYi questioned, calming herself while wondering who the other person who had called her was.

For the first two seconds, there were not a single reply until she was taken by surprise at the low voice that appear to her ears, "I am glad, I didn't got the wrong number."

Wu SuYi recognize the unique deep voice that was enough to make others want to hear his voice again, "Mr. Han?"

"That is me," he confirmed.

Wu SuYi remembered how they had exchanged phone number, which was the reason why he had called her. She didn't expect him to call her, therefore making her surprised.

"Are you alright?" Han XiGuang then questioned. Alone on his room, he stared at the window behind his study desk, staring at the sky while imagining Wu SuYi's face as he talked to her.

"I am," Wu SuYi answered. Deep down, she knew her heart was in chaos for her to feel she is alright, but she didn't want to unbox all her exploding emotion to Han XiGuang. They weren't close enough for her to bother him with her own problem.

"Really?" Han XiGuang doubted, "Excuse me if I am wrong but you sound a little… angry. Or maybe even more than a little."

Wu SuYi's mouth went ahead of her, "How do you—… does my voice expose it all?"

"Not really? You could even fool any people you see even if they are a detective with a good head on his shoulders. It is just that I am a little better than others when it come to reading people," Han XiGuang answered smoothly. As Wu SuYi felt a little uncomfortable his soft chuckle ease her, "Don't worry. I don't force people to tell me all the secret they wish to hold on for themselves. I only want to know if you are truly alright."

At first, Wu SuYi felt anxious and angry but now, she could feel how her haywire emotions became tame. She nodded her head and leaned to the seat of her car, "I am. Mr. Han, you are truly good at sweet talking."

"It's one of my cards to my job," Han XiGuang laugh on the other end of the call. "I only guess you have a rough day today. I wouldn't want to bother you know, get some rest and I will call you again tomorrow."

"Wait!" Wu SuYi stopped him in a haste. She was shocked by her own abruptness and cleared her throat in response. "You must have called me for something? I don't mind to talk about it now."

"Do you?" Han XiGuang sounded pleasantly joyful. "It is a little tough request, as always you can always refuse me. I want to ask if you can accompany me and Rui. His school is hold a parent-meeting day where Rui would be performing. It's the first time for this to happen."

Wu SuYi heard his hesitation and asked again, "Are you busy?"

"Of course, I would never be busy for Rui. It's an important day for him. But you do know… most of the children in the school, if not all, have both father and mother. Rui never spoke about his school and I am worried by me, coming alone, will make him stand out in the wrong way. People often gossip. As much as I want to put soap on their mouth, I don't want this to affect Rui."

Wu SuYi never thought about it but she had seen some cases of single parent who struggled for the same reason as Han XiGuang. All parents want the best for their child and their worry didn't come without a reason.

Wu SuYi didn't want this to impact on Rui either and the boy was a soft spot to her heart, which she couldn't explain the reason in word as there were a lot. Also, there were a lot of things going on which she want to take a break from.

Seeing the opportunity, she replied, "When will it be?"

Han XiGuang was pleasantly surprised by her question. He had thought it would need him more request to invite her, "This Thursday."

Wu SuYi made up her mind, "I will come."