Warming Hearts

Wu SuYi turned her eyes toward the gazebo where she saw the small silhouette crouching on the floor to hug his knees and staring at the pond in front of him. Wu SuYi whispered a thank you to the maid before making her way toward Rui, slowly taking her approach, she made her heels sound to be heard for the boy's face to quickly turned his face toward her.

"I'm sorry to surprise you, how are you today, Rui?" Wu SuYi gently bent her body down, making sure they were at the same height.

Rui stared at her in disbelief. He slowly brought his small hand to his cheeks, pinching his face as though making sure he wasn't seeing things.

Wu SuYi chuckled before catching him to her embrace and carry him on her arms, "You are not dreaming."

"Aunt SuYi!" Rui who finally snapped from his surprise wrapped his hands around her neck, hugging her tightly to relief his stress.

Wu Su Yi returned the tiny embrace, feeling that the small warmth on her chest to work like magic to dispel her stress.