Locked Dove

Wu SuYi knocked on the door for thrice, hoping for Xu to open the door but it seemed no one was willing to open the door for her, "Open it!" She shouted.

Xu who seemed tired responded, "You could wait until Sir Han come to your side. I am not doing this to antagonize you, Ms. Wu but to protect you."

Wu SuYi heard his footsteps leaving from the library door, causing her to panic, "Hey! I can protect myself, let me out of here!"

But Xu was quick to leave much to her annoyance. She wasn't a kid who needed to be babysit. She wasn't weak either and she wasn't stupid. If Xu could have told her that the places outside the library was dangerous, she would have avoided it. Yet he had to lock her!

The feeling of having her freedom stolen from her wasn't something Wu SuYi liked and locked in such a large room alone made her unsettled.