Man’s Promise!

The bright afternoon in Wu Family was always silent. Even as the three men in the family sat in front of each other in the dining room, none spoke a single word until the end of the breakfast. But none of them looked bothered by the lack of words they exchange even as a family.

JingYi as the eldest child prepared to go to the main company when HaoRan, the second eldest walked toward him, "Brother, there's something I have to discuss with you."

"About SuYi?" JingYi guessed. "Soon her time will runs out, you don't have to care about her."

"What if she finds someone?" HaoRan questioned to which JingYi laughed as though he was facing a joke.

"She will never. A little name of Wu Family and people will not want to get close to her. We only need to chase that person a little for them to run away. She will only marry to someone we have arranged for her."

HaoRan frowned, causing JingYi to look at him oddly.

"What is it?" JingYi asked.