The Unwanted Family

Rui looked back and forward between his handsome dad and the beautiful Wu SuYi who would soon become his mom. Looking back and forward between them, he smiled. He couldn't believe soon he would be having a family like everyone else— a mother, a father!

All was perfect to him. The little boy swoon on his imagination and eagerness run to his small cheeks.

"Be careful aunt SuYi!" Rui waved his hand while watching Wu SuYi retreating to the car. He then looked at his father whose smile was wide. "Dad?"

"Yes?" Han XiGuang questioned but his eyes continue on staring at the car which Wu SuYi had entered.

"Why are you smiling that weirdly?" Rui teased.

"What weird?" Han XiGuang shrugged his shoulders pretending as though he didn't noticed what Rui was pointing out. He still recalled how pinkish Wu SuYi's cheeks were as she entered the car.