Day Out

Han XiGuang sighed, "I have my own plan."

"Do you love her?" Maxim directly inquired the question, holding his hands at the back together. "Is this why you had decided to be with her?"

"Is it hard to believe that I have fallen in love with her?" Han XiGuang raised his eyebrows. "Were there anything in her that is a flaw? Being a lawyer shows how hardworking she is. Escaping from Wu Family explain her firmness in her heart. She never backs down, she always put others before her, always the sweetest and the kindest. Isn't that enough for anyone to fall for her."

"It's strange," Confessed Maxim. "You do not fall for anyone easily, Sir Han. I thought you were asexual."

Han XiGuang rolled his eyes, "It's my emotions not yours."

"But Sir Han. Her father is—"