House Visit-III

Wu JingYi didn't have to ask who this little guy was. He was well aware that Han XiGuang has a son whose story was unknown to the public. When Han XiGuang made the announcement of having a son without extending the story, he had left everyone speechless. Since then many others tried to find information on the little guy which they couldn't with the strong security from Han XiGuang. 

So this was, the treasured son of the Han Family. 

"Han.. Rui?" JingYi questioned as he recalled to have heard the name before from someone else. 

Rui looked at the big man who he was careful of. As the man had called him by his name, he nodded his head. He slowly slipped away from the maid's hand who still didn't want to let him go for the fear he would have to talk with this man whose intention could be bad for all she knows. But Rui assured her that he would talk from the place he was standing at, beside her.