Twintail girl-II

Wu SuYi stared at the documents in front of her in shock. She couldn't believe what she saw. Knowinglegal documents well enough in the back of her mind just simply by looking at the first two paragraphs of the documents she knows what it was. It was a shared partner ownership to the new hotel that Han XiGuang was building. She could only stare at it and stare back at him in shock.

"You did not." She said, wanting to think this was a dream.

"I think I have wrote your name," Han XiGuang mentioned, confirming to her that he had indeed meant to make her his partner.

"But this is… this is such a big deal. Are you… do you have fever XiGuang?" She carefully reached out her hand in need to press it on his forehead which only made him to chuckle more.