Dinner Out-I

Wu SuYi was no stranger to other people's curiosity to her family's matter. She gently nodded her head as she recalled her earlier interaction to her father. "I would say it is even worse than bad." 

"Did he hurt you?" The man questioned again but oddly Wu SuYi didn't feel that he was prying too deep to her matter. He had asked her in a look of concern and genuine care.

"He did, a lot of time," Wu SuYi who had looked away didn't notice how the man's expression darkened upon listening to her words. He was silent for a while and she wondered if it was because of her that the easy going mood had been ruined. She smiled while looking at him, "But I have grown to forget what happened. Honestly today was a great day and to all the day that will come to me, I think I will feel better now. I have found people who I can proudly call as my family."