
Wu Suyi shrugged her shoulders. While it appeared that Maksim still hate her and would continue to remain a stubborn bastard, she could also tell that when compared to YueLuan he was a much more loyal person. With a hum she then spoke, "Then tell me. If it is in order to get rid of me, would you ever disclose any information about XiGuang?" Wu SuYi had just finished her question when the car suddenly pulled its brake almost launching her forward. 

With a frown, she looked at Maksim, "What are you—"

Maksim however turned his eyes first to her. His eyebrows were pulled strongly together. Anger crawled on the nerves of his neck that popped as he gritted his jaw. "I don't think you would ever have the audacity to ever ask such a question, ma'am. If it is my life against Sir Han's, I would take less than a second to prioritize him. Even. If. It. Cost. My. Life."