Blue Water—II

Han XiGuang chuckled when she had called his wish simple. Sure it was simple to others but he knows it wasn't to him. For this wish could only be granted by one person and only one. That person being Wu SuYi herself. He didn't reply to her and instead hum. Wu SuYi then rubbed his hair, smiling as she enjoyed being closer to him this way. 

"I love swimming," Wu SuYi started that caused for him to tilt his head, asking her why she had said this when he already knew about it. "I also love travelling and going to new places. Although most of the time I love being with myself, watching some mystery movies and a popcorn on my hands. I hate dogs, when I was younger I was left alone with a big hound dog who was aggressive toward me. No one helped me and they forgot that I was locked in the same room as the dog. That fear gradually turns to trauma that sometimes seeing even a character of a dog or a picture of it makes me wince."