Misunderstood Him-I

The quick shock was apparent on JingYi's eyes as he read the title of the news. His hand covered his mouth and he could be seen upset. He didn't have to ask Han XiGuang anymore to know who had done this to his younger brother. "How bad was it?" JingYi could only ask the question, feeling that was the last question he could ask of. 

"Terrible. Judging from others who I have seem been in his position there are a few concussion I would say. Broken leg, broken hand, fractured neck, and.. his eyesight would be hinder from now on I think." Han XiGuang stepped aside as JingYi slumped on the metallic chair, feeling his body cold and icy. Han XiGuang didn't know what to feel. It was true that him too had blamed both brothers for the pain that Wu Suyi had gone through but now it had been brought to light that none of them had meant anything bad.