The Party-I

Wu SuYi could never bring herself to refuse Rui's wish. Especially when his big eyes looked at her with the adorableness. But she hadn't asked for Han XiGuang's permission to bring Rui with her… also she didn't think the party would be a good place for Rui to visit. She noted how most people hated her, and how many would gaze at her with the negative view. She didn't want to go to the party while bringing Rui who would be subjected only to bad exposure of adults who knows nothing but to hate and gossip about the others..

"You can," said Han Xi Guang from behind, startling them as Rui and Wu SuYi didn't expect for him to suddenly appear. "It's alright SuYi if you want to bring him. Rui is shy but he's never one to be deterred of other's gazes on him, right my baby?"