Proclaiming Seats-I

Wu SuYi was always on her guard. If there was one thing she always did as a habit was that she would spend her time listening to other people's problem but wouldn't share her own. It wasn't because she didn't want to talk about herself, having someone to listen to her was great as it would lessen her burden. 

But due to her past, it was difficult for her to trust anyone, not wanting to share too much about herself so it wouldn't be a weakness. 

Jang WenRou's question and kind offer, however, resonated nicely to her which didn't feel bad to her hear. 

Yet when she thought of the first person she want to talk with, Han XiGuang comes to her head. Even though she feel comfortable to share her problem with Jang WenRou, in the end she still want to say everything to Han XiGuang, who would always be there to hear her problem. 

Offering the man a smile, her eyes curved, "Maybe next time. Thank you, Owner Jang."