The Cuffs-II

Wu SuYi could hear the footsteps around her. As they hadn't knocked her unconscious she could also hear the sound of the car engine that was transporting her away from Han Hotel. From the size as it could bring in five people inside, it should be a van. 

Wu SuYi gulped down as she couldn't question anything more the men talked much to her disappointment. She had hoped these people would slip out by telling their location but they were quite smarter than she thought, using no chance to be use as a weakness so she could escape from them.

But this was a bad idea for Wu SuYi who wanted to know where she is going and who she is going to meet. 

She pursed her lips, first questioning who it could be. Last time she was also attacked, didn't she?

Who was it that her father had blamed this problem on?