Finger Count-III

Wu SuYi on the other hand was confused on who JingYi's fiancee was. She thought.. that her brother was still in a relationship with Ou YuMen or was she wrong? Maybe they had broken up and she had misunderstood it?

"JingYi," she called his name, and softly inquired, "What is your fiancée's name?"

"Mao Mao," JingYi replied at once and he didn't sounded as though he was sullen as he spoke about his fiancée which now pose even more question in her head on how his heart was set on. 

"Mao Mao such short name, is that her surname?" Wu SuYi questioned as she was sure her father would have put JingYi to be engaged with a family who could benefit them but she had never heard of a Mao family. 

Or perhaps washed knowledge lacking?

JingYi spoke, "My fiancee is the least of the concern now. Can you make sure that you would be near Han XiGuang? That way you would be safe I'm sure."