Excuse Me-II

Han XiGuang was faced with the same offer by the kidnappers. Either he would have to give half of Han Corporation share or give them twenty five thousand million dollars. There was no option to refuse as if he does, Rui's mother and him would be killed to death. While Han XiGuang was cold and unsympathetic to others around him, he wasn't so cold hearted he would choose his money over a human life, especially his family. 

At an instance, he agreed with the kidnappers' demands, even giving them a helicopter to run away and promise wouldn't find them if they could release his pregnant sister in law. But much to his dismay, in a tussle, she was shot. 

Wu SuYi who had heard the story frowned deeply, "And you had no choice but to choose either her or Rui." 

Han XiGuang's eyes had lost its light when he nodded his head, confirming his words without uttering a word.