I Don’t Want Him!-II

She could see Han YouRan's eyes as the man watched her back through the screen, returning her gaze as if he was studying the person inside the phone. After noticing who she is, Han YouRan pulled an amiable smile. 

"Helllooo SuYi, my dear!" Madam Han's voice quickly pulled her from her brief silence. 

Wu SuYi immediately looked back at Madam Han and smiled widely, "Hello, mother. Have you been healthy?" 

"Of course I am! I have never been healthier than now. Even the doctors are surprised to see how glowing my skin is! How are you, my darling? Did XiGuang take care of you a lot? Just complain to me if he doesn't," said Madam Han happily. 

"Xiguang took care of me more than I took care of him," she responded her words with the same bright energy that Madam Han had offered. "Hello there too, YouRan."