
Han XiGuang's cold eyes turn darker in color as he understood that Jang WenRou isn't an understanding man. He appeared wise due to his calm look but he was just as egoistical as everyone else and prioritize his need before others. If he want to meet Wu SuYi, it is up to him and whatever others say wouldn't stop him. 

Hearing this, Han XiGuang's frown grew tighter, "You seem to not understand this, Mr. Jang WenRou. Or my long lost father in law?" His faint jab caused for Jang WenRou's poker face to crack. "You see I am Wu SuYi's husband. That means I will make sure that no danger would ever come to her and if you do prove to be a danger, you will be standing at the next spot beside Wu Jun." 

"And what spot is that?" With the same unmoving face, Jang WenRou asked him.

"A spot where I will make sure you two wouldn't meet SuYi ever again even if it means I have to kill you."