Can You Listen-II

Han XiGuang slowly sat down in front of her. He looked at how she had been drinking coffee and on top of it there was three empty cup of them. He first said, "I'm sorry I didn't contact you quickly. What happened was that I had to be there in case of something critical happening to father and mother. They were poisoned."

"Poisoned? Are they okay now? Can I see them?" Wu SuYi quickly blew up from panic. Han XiGuang shook his head gently.

"Their health is far from your current worry, trust me that they are doing so much better now and they have passed the critical situation," he held his hand together a little tightly and finally broke the news. "But a bad news happened yesterday."

Wu su Yi felt somewhat a growing anxiousness in her heart. "What happened?" She quickly inquired for his reply.