The Betrayer-III

Back to the present, YuEn looked at Maksim's face with his eyes full of puzzle. YuEn knows how Maksim doesn't trust him thus he didn't expect when the man looked so open about what he had seen before Kai's death. 

He didn't know if he should be flattered or start to be very concerned as Maksim had come up to him to speak about a betrayer hiding between them. 

YuEn sat down beside him, sitting on one of the staircases floor. "So Kai seemed to be hiding about something before his death and it involve a betrayer that's hiding between us?" 

"Yes," Maksim confirmed as he exhaled heavily, "Listen, I know what I say doesn't make sense but it's what had happened. At first he seemed like he was going to tell me who the betrayer is but after that call, he pretended as if he didn't say anything. I came to the conclusion whoever had betrayed us had somehow threatened him too."