Mr. A’s Composition-III

Mei Mei bent her body forward she wondered how can someone be so awkward and unlucky as JingYi is. He is such a mystery to her as he was not only born with bad luck but only gather bad lucks around him.

JingYi on the other hand was confused. He backed to the corner until his back hit the wall and covered his front body with the blanket around him. The floor was cold but the piercing eyes of the big bodyguard and Mei Mei sting even worse like icicles!!

"W- What happened?" JingYi demanded for the reason for his confusion to Mei Mei who was grinning in response.

"I wonder what happened," replied Mei Mei with a tilt of her head. "I can tell you but I don't think talking with someone naked is feasible."

"W- Where is my clothes?" JingYi hesitated as he asked, feeling like a defiled young virgin.