Sleepless Night Forever

Han XiGuang watched the blood that had now created a little red pond underneath his shiny shoes. He stared at the liquid and hummed as though he wasn't satiated yet.

His eyes were clear, looking almost too pure and devastatingly beautiful as he thought of another way to punish Senior Mr Wu without him dying first.

YuEn shuddered at the shadowy figure beside him. He knew Han Xiguang had always a screw loose from his head but his enjoyment as he hurt someone was far too sincere. He thanked god that he wasn't his enemy as anyone who cross over him was fated to meet a dark fate.

"I think he would die," YuEn said carefully. He didn't want this frightening being to look into him and decide to punish him next.

Even though he didn't do anything that could hurt Suyi, Han XiGuang didn't seem to be very much in a sane mind for him to differentiate enemy and ally.

"You think so too?" Han XiGuang responded to him with a thoughtful hum.