Two Healing Men

Choked on nothing, Ou Yumen looked at him like a squirrel who just had his food going down on the wrong pipe. He didn't feel the need to hide his love life and although he is ashamed and guilty to the things he did to JungYi, he doesn't run away from the responsibility of the knowledge that he did hurt him.

The only reason he felt so uncomfortable talking about Jingyi with Jang Wenrou was because this man has the figure of a father to him. Perhaps it would be better to address him as an emotionally absent father.

"We separated, long time ago." He kept it concise and hoped that Jang Wenrou will brushed it aside but surprisingly the man didn't stop just there.

"Is it because of Wu Gong? Did he stop your relationship with him? If that's the case you can come back to him again and fix what's broken," the man said as if wanting to salvage his relationship.