One Maid

Yueluan raised her hand, ready to let it across Kai's face and mar his cheeks. What she was surprised of was how easy Kai had held her wrist back and then turn her body around. He then kick her by her back and watched her who then sprawl on the floor with a sigh between his lips.

"Do you really think that was enough to go against me, YueLuan?" Kai tilted his face to the sides, looking confused as well as baffled. "You have always been an elegant lady and that was what you were most proud of yet look at you now, just a small anger from your side had caused you to slap someone out of anger?"

YueLuan was shocked as not only Kai had easily kick her away, he had called her out on her personality. In his eyes there was disgust, a disgust so clear as though they weren't friend all this time.