Nostalgia Fair

The sound of ruckus sounds far from her ears and approached her until a loud BAM had forced her golden eyes to snap wide. Estelle stared at the dark small space in confusion. She tried to move her mouth only to taste blood on her own tongue that was cut by the rough fabric between her lips.

Where was she? What happened?!

Elle pushed aside the sound of her loud heartbeat, convincing herself to calm down so she could assess the situation. It was a difficult thing to do, especially when she was captured in a dark space that prevented her to know her location or the people who had took her away, regardless she tried her best, coaxing her own self to stay calm.

The last memory she had was of her entering her carriage… a hand had pulled her behind and suddenly she lost her consciousness.

Was she kidnapped?

She had went through many incidents upon living in the slums, but kidnapped was the first time!