Rude Boys Attack!

Su Yi continued to talk about Jang WenRou and how he is a good father, much more when one would compare him to Senior Mr Wu. Mrs Han approved that Su Yi had a better father figure which would be good for her as she always knew how a daughter wish for to have her father walking her down the aisle.

Han XiGuang softly smiled while listening to Su Yi and it was great to see the rest of his mother's friends were kind and attentive to Su Yi.

Meanwhile, Rui was looking around for a way that he could slip out. His hands were holding so tightly to the rings but he knew he had a small hands and he didn't want the ring to fall off from his pocket. He then recalled how her father had showed him a special pocket under his suit near his chest that came with a zipper. Here he could hide the ring and make sure it is safe and sound until he could pass it to Han XiGuang.