Tender Kiss

"He's crazy," YuEn remarked as he turned to look at Wu SuYi whose face had gathered all the darkest cloud it could possibly held to her face.

She had clenched her jaw, her fists tightening in anger as she realized that this whole time Han YouRan was a master in manipulating Han XiGuang.

"He is," she confirmed as she sighed, "YuEn, Maksim, I have to tell you something."

Both the bodyguards turned to her with a tilt of their heads.

"What is it?" Maksim asked first. It was hard to imagine that Maksim was so against her presence in the past as he was now one of the very few bodyguards who would at once abide by her orders.

"I can tell there will soon be the last fight between Han YouRan and XiGuang," she said with a sigh. "And we know what could happen in a fight. Especially in such a large scale. I doubt that YouRan will come alone. He could take the help of a mafia and I can tell he has someone even worse protecting his back now."