Great Jumping Dragon Goat

A crewman came racing on to the bridge out of breath, he was shaking like a leaf, "Mage d'Aumont, Mage Montfort, I am the officer of the deck for the observation lounge, I have something to report. We have a major emergency, I need you both up top."

Guy looked at Madeline and then raised an eyebrow, "What's the situation?"

"I... I am not sure you would believe me if you didn't see it for yourself." He replied, his voice cracking.

Madeline frowned and said, "We need more than that, what did you see?"

He took a deep breath and said, "We have goats."

Guy pinched the bridge of his nose, "We are a thousand feet above the ground, we can't have goats walk on to the observation deck up here."

Madeline looked at Guy and said, "We can. This really is an emergency."

Guy looked at her and then sighed, "How would goats get on the ship at this height?"

"Great jumping dragon goats!" She exclaimed.


Gorou and Yuuki were walking to school and Gorou suddenly asked, "Yuuki, I was thinking, maybe we can talk to the game developers about sending a message into the game that they could see."

Yuuki shook her head and said, "I don't think that's a good idea."

Gorou raised an eyebrow and asked, "Oh, why is that?"

"The world you are from, is certainly just like the game, right? And it seems like things in the game are exactly the same, but the game allows you to change history by replaying it and making different decisions, right?" Yuuki explained.

Gorou nodded, "Yes, that's true."

"What if the game is not the reality you came from?" She giggled, "Also, in your world, Claude de Rouvroy is dead, right? The people there would have grieved for you and accepted your loss. If, say, a mountain suddenly turned into a giant sign saying that Claude was alive in a different world, what would be the consequences be for all of the people who loved you?" She smiled at Gorou, "Disbelief, concern, panic? If a mountain changed into a sign, you might even suspect it was an attack or something, right?"

Gorou facepalmed and nodded, "Of course, you're right. It would be easier to suspect someone with ill intentions was behind it. We all had enemies."

Yuuki smiled and then leaned in close to Gorou and whispered, "Besides, I have a secret, I can already communicate with my brother."

Gorou looked amazed, "You can?"

Yuuki nodded, "After school today, would you like to come and greet him with me?"

"Please!" Gorou looked eager.


Guy and Madeline walked up to the Observation deck and found three goats chewing on the chairs. Guy frowned and said, "I've heard Diggory say it before, but I thought he was just stringing random words together. These really are great jumping dragon goats?"

Madeline looked scared, "Yes, they are very dangerous."

Guy smirked and then said, "They're just goats. Here I'll shoo them away." He walked close to one and made a loud noise, "Hyaa goat!" The goat looked at him and kept chewing. Guy stamped his foot and said it again a little louder this time, "Hyaa goat!" The goat moved a few feet back and then ran at him and ramed him. The strength of the goat was enough to send him flying in the air, once in the air, another goat sent a ball of flame shooting at him from its mouth.

Madeline cried out, but Guy disappeared through a gate just ahead of the fireball. Madeline dared not make a move and left the goats to eat the deck chairs. A few minutes later Guy came running back up having used the new gate. He glared at the goats and then asked, "What do you usually do with great jumping dragon goats?"

Madeline looked at Guy, "Avoid them."


After school, Gorou walked with Yuuki to the place she communicated with her brother. As they approached it, Gorou realized that she was heading to the graveyard. Yuuki smiled at Gorou, "I usually bring him his favorite Yakitori, but I think he will forgive me this once."

They approached his gravemarker and Yuuki started to clean it. They lit incense and then kneeled down together and Yuuki said, "Big brother, I brought Claude de Rouvroy with me today, he has taken over the life of Yura Gorou, an Otaku."

Gorou felt his cheeks burn as he mumbled, "I am not an Otaku anymore..."

Yuuki giggled and said, "Touma said that you kept a lot of the things you had before even though you cleaned up his room."

"They are valuable, I can't just throw them out." He pouted, and then he said, "Ito Aoi, it's nice to meet the real you. I hope you haven't assumed that just because I died, that you won!"


Guy thought for a while and then said, "I think I have an idea. Bring the ship to a stop, then turn the ship so we are drifting backward. I'll open a gate and send them away." Madeline looked worried. "Don't worry, I won't let the gate hurt the ship." He smiled at her.

Madeline closed her eyes took a deep breath and then opened her eyes and dashed off. Once the ship turned Guy called out, "Gate." He watched the silvery gate slowly creep toward the goats and suck them up one by one.

Madeline returned just in time to see the last goat exit from the deck. She looked worried, "Where did you send them?"

Guy pretended to clean his ear, "Nowhere important. It should be fine, I think."

Madeline frowned and said, "It's no joke, great jumping dragon goats can cause a lot of damage if you send them into a city."

"I thought you said people avoid them, won't they just stay out of the way?" Guy smiled.

Madeline shook her head, "I'm serious, you can hurt someone if you send them to a populated area."

"I sent them to Wolter's house," Guy mentioned offhand.

"Oh, well that should be fine." She agreed.


The second day of the gathering of Leaders Wolter looked annoyed. All of his ideas had been ignored and the other leaders completely treated him as an outcast even though they were holding the meeting at his own estate. He got up and stormed out of the room in a fit of anger. A moment later a gate opened and three goats appeared in the room, the leaders all looked at the goats and one of them called out, "Someone get rid of these goats!"

Emperor Wolter von Plettenberg would from that day forward be known as the vile scum who killed the leaders of twelve different nations.