Chapter 14

Ginrei was scrolling through this massive list when something hit him. 'System. How will the summon behave when they arrive here.' If they were to be ripped from their realities, he might just not summon anyone. He didn't want the hassle of explaining what happened to them.

[System will draw upon host's power to create an identical copy of the person. They will have similar personality traits, but the only thing the system places into them is the loyalty towards host. They won't question that they were summoned here. The loyalty will feel natural to them.] Ginrei smiled at the revelation that this was the case. This made his life so much easier.

'Will they be able to enter their original universe?'

[No! They are forbidden to do that, so the system will never bring them along even if host requests it.]

'I suppose it makes sense in a way. Okay then. Time to choose.' Ginrei had selected 12 people as he had been scrolling. These were people he knew and some of them he had never seen before, but the system had their information and they sounded good enough for him.

'Since i am creating the Gotei 13, i should make sure that i get some captains from bleach. That would make the most sense and in that way make up for the fact that i'm not visiting that world.'

'System, would you be so kind as to summon the people i have selected.' Ginrei said and then stood and waited for them to appear. Unfortunately for him, they didn't. What came instead was another window.

[If host wants to customize his summons, then he can do so here.] The system said and Ginrei stared at the interface in front of him.

'hm, this is interesting. Let's make some changes then. Let's at least give them matching suits.' He quickly started going to work.

After an hour or so he was finally finished with everything and he definitely appreciated how they looked now. This system could do anything so he gave some of them new abilities and removed things about them that he didn't like at all.

'One last thing. What about their history here in this world. Will i need to explain about the world or will they already have memories of living in this world.' This was at the end of the day, the biggest issue he had with summons.

[Their existence will be planted into this world. They are living beings and you can read about their history here by looking at their status after they are summoned.] The system told him in it's usual emotionless voice.

'Okay, i understand. Please summon them here now.' As soon as Ginrei said that, 12 magic circles appeared in front of him and then a few seconds later, 12 individuals stood in front of him with closed eyes.

At the same time, they all opened their eyes and looked at Ginrei. No weird feelings was present in their eyes at all. They all looked at Ginrei, but their eyes all contained different emotions. Some held respect, awe, worship while others just showed happiness and loyalty.

"Welcome, commanders of the newly created pirate group, Gotei 13." Ginrei said and as he said it, every captain bowed down and introduced themselves like it was what they should naturally do.

"Vash is here to serve the Head captain" A tall man with spiky blond hair said. The man is wearing a black colored suit and he had a .45 long cult gun holstered inside his suit. On his shoulders, hung a red colored cloak that had a kanji on it, like the marines. Vash had the kanji for "Gun".

"Kenshin Himura is here to serve the Head captain." A man with long brown hair tied into a pony tail and a sword on the ground beside him, was next to speak. He too, was wearing a black colored suit. In fact they all had on similar outfits. He had a full body cloak that hid his entire body. Kenshin bore the Kanji for "Blade"

"Cal Shekar is here to serve the Head captain." A beautiful woman with long black hair and a black suit with a pink captain coat draped over her shoulders. The kanji for "domain" was written on the coat. Just looking at her and the sword that was hanging at her waist you could feel that she was dangerous.

"Ryunosuke Akutagawa is here to serve the Head captain." an average height male with short black hair said after Cal. He belonged to the tall and slim category of males as he was 172 cm in height. He had on a black suit with a black coat over his shoulders. His coat had the kanji for, "Beast"

"Guts is here to serve the Head captain." Next person to speak was the definition of manliness. With a black suit on and a brown coat over his shoulders. Guts was the biggest and most muscular of all the men Ginrei summoned. he had the kanji for "slaughter" on his coat.

"Undertaker is here to serve the Head captain." A man with very long gray hair that covered most of his face spoke next. He had on a gray suit and a gray coat with the kanji for "death".

"Hisoka is here to serve the Head captain. A man that would look creepy in whatever clothing he wore. That was Ginrei's thoughts about this man. But he was fascinated with all things, weird, twisted and evil. So there was no way he wouldn't summon this person. Hisoka had on a suit that was striped with white and purple and on his shoulders hung a coat. His coat had the kanji for "Evil".

As stated, Ginrei had become a better person, but that didn't mean that he was all good natured now. He still enjoyed a good fight and the thrill of killing. Of course Ginrei didn't exactly agree with Hisoka's view on kids. He would be sure to keep an eye on this man in the future.

"Rize Kamishiro is here to serve the Head captain." This was also one of the people Ginrei found very intriguing. While looking at her history he found out that she is unbelievably cruel and sadistic towards her enemies. While she is sweet and lovable towards her allies. She had on a purple suit with a pink coat over her shoulders. She had the kanji for "Starve" on her coat.

"Honorable Grandfather. Byakuya Kuchiki is here to serve." The next person was the person Ginrei was most interested in. He wanted to know how Byakuya would act around him. According to the system, this Byakuyas worshiped his grandfather because of Ginrei's strength and he looked down upon anyone that didn't have power. Essentially he had most of the personality of the early original Byakuya. He wore a black suit with a white scarf around his neck. A white coat with gold lining inside it covered his shoulders. He wore the kanji for "Petal".

"Toshiro Hitsugaya is here to serve the Head captain." Hitsugaya's identity here was a former marine Vice admiral that defected and disappeared from the world a few years ago. He had a massive bounty on his head already. Now Ginrei would bring him back a many times stronger then before to crush the marines and the world government. He wore a suit that was colored ice blue with a similarly colored coat with the kanji for "ice" on it.

"Lubbock is here to serve the Head captain." A boy that looked to be somewhere around 17 or 18 years old spoke after Toshiro. He had on a bright green suit with a dark green coat. He bore the kanji for "Crown String".

They actually almost looked like brothers from their facial similarities and body shape. Ginrei watched him and then Toshiro and now he just had to confirm with the system.

'System, are they brothers? Toshiro and Lubbock.'

[Yes. They are physically similar and both represent a color. So system made Green and Blue brothers.]

'Interesting. That was not information the system had told him as they were being summoned.' The system had given a brief overview of every person here as they were being summoned. But the fact about them being brothers was apparently something that he was supposed to find out himself.

"Bradely is here to serve the Head captain." Now this was one person that Ginrei really liked. His favorite charcter ever was King Bradley. Bradely has a head of full black hair with a big mustache that really fits his look. He wore a whit suit with a gold cloak over his shoulders. The kanji displayed on his cloak was "Pride".

'System, bring up his full status' Ginrei said and a window popped up that displayed all of Bradley's personalities and abilities.

[Name: Bradely Kuchiki

[Age: 60

[Hair color: Black

[Height: 187 cm

[Weight: 94 kg

[Race: High Human

[Abilities: Swordsmanship, Speed Magic, Sharingan,


Byakuya Kuchiki: Son

Ginrei Kuchiki: Father


'What the hell? System, do you wanna explain to me why he became my son?' Ginrei was shocked on the inside, but on the outside he showed no reaction. He could be considered a real pro to be able to stay calm after finding this out.

[System noted down the respect and love host has for Bradely and thusly created this identity for him because system thought it would fit perfectly.]

'I see. Since i knew Byakuya was gonna be my grandson. I was in a way prepared to meet my new family in this world. I just didn't know another one of my captains was a family member.' Ginrei sighed, but then he snapped back into reality. He couldn't leave them hanging any longer then this.

"Good. First of all, Ryunosuke, your name is too damn long so i will call you Ryu instead. Understood?" Ginrei looked at now the one he renamed Ryu.

"Okay, as you wish." Ryo said.

"Rise all of you." The captains stood up in attention.

"Did you all properly receive the gifts that you all got before coming here?" This was one of the things they got from essentially being "born" from his own power. They all got some benefits.

"Yes" They all answered at the same time. The "gifts" he was talking about was the abilities they now had. Bradley's sharingan was one example. He really liked that idea so he gave him the eternal sharingan. They were implemented with abilities of all other users and they had their own abilities that was unique to him.

"Okay, good to hear. I have high hopes for your work here in this organization. Since we are not ready to begin yet, you are to stay here on this island. And take this badge as it represents our group. So don't lose it." He flicked his wrist and 12 badges flew out from his robe and hovered in front of every person here. It had a function so they could clip it to their suits. That's what they did. They were now all wearing the badge over their chest pocket.

The badge itself was circular and one half was black and the other was white. The black side had two spirals that was colored red and white. The white side and two spirals that was colored green and blue. It was the same one he gifted Gildarts to use for Paradise island.

"Okay, Bradley you can come with me. The rest of you stand by on this island until our headquarters are complete." Ginrei gestured for Bradely to follow him.,

"Understood!" All of them said at the same time again.

Ginrei and Bradely quickly disappeared up the stairs that led to the surface. Everyone inside the cave stood still until Lubbock stretched his arms and yawned.

"I'm tired. Toshi, give me your scarf. I need it as a pillow." Lubbock said and tried to steal the scarf from his brother.

"Try and you die!" The temperature inside the cave room quickly went ice cold as Toshiro glared at his younger brother.

"oy, boys, boys, no need to fight. Lubbock, you can use my knees as a pillow if you want" Hisoka said and put on his signature smile.

"Oh, FUCK NO!" Lubbock quickly ran for the stairs to try and escape. Before he could make it to the stairs a hand grabbed his shoulder and stooped him. It was Cal.

"Lord Ginrei is still walking in the staircase leading upwards. If you were to continued, you would be running past him. A subordinate most never walk passed the leader" The grip tightened as a very heavy killing intent appeared around her.

"I-It was my mistake Cal. It will never happen again." Lubbock said and bowed close to a hundred times in 3 seconds. He bowed his head so much and so fast that he became dizzy.

"ha, ha, ha, this will be fun. What do you say, Kenni?" Vash said and hit Kenshin on the back.

"Would you please not make up such nicknames for me. Just call me Kenshin." He said while stabilizing himself from being hit off balance by Vash.

"Don't sweat the small stuff. I can't wait for a good fight. Lord Ginrei gave me some major upgrades to my gun so i need to test it out as quickly as possible." Vash said in a excited tone.

Ginrei had no idea about the terrifying force he had made come together here. Terror is the only way to describe the people present here. When their fighting together, very few people will last even a second against them.

