Chapter 19

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Fleet admiral Kong slammed the table in front of him in complete anger. Vice admiral Momonga stood in front of him and had just narrated every thing Ginrei said.

"Momonga, do you know why he specifically mentioned my name?" Sengoku who sported a black tank top with some pants and a marine coat asked.

"No, Sir. He only said for you to prepare for his commander's arrival and nothing else." Momonga said. He had still not recovered from seeing Strawberry die in front of him and not being able to avenge him.

"so, kid. If you were to rank his strength. Where would you put him?" Garp asked from the side while eating snacks directly from the bag.

"Stronger than an admiral for sure. He drew his sword and slashed apart my ship and killing everyone on it without me seeing a single movement of his arm. It happened within a single step of his right foot." Momonga narrated about his strength again. It was just that terrifying to witness.

"Kong, if that all is true, then he might be comparable to those four," Sengoku said, obviously referring to the emperors that were beginning to take over the New World.

"Speed-wise, he is definitely at least on par with Shanks. We still don't know about his brute strength, or about the strength of his commanders." Kong sat back in his chair and started thinking.

"Call back Tsuru and Z. We need all Admirals here for this. If his commanders are coming, then all they will find will be death." Kong said and dismissed them all after that.


"So how come all of you are here? The orders were for only three people to go.." Lubbock said and looked at the commanders that appeared with Byakuya.

"We were all drinking tea with Byakuya when Sylvia relayed your message. There is no way i am missing this so i called the captain and complained, and he agreed that we could tag along." Vash said with a big smile on his face.

"oh, and the Head Captain told me to tell you guys, that you need to call him just captain now, and we are the division commanders," Vash said with a little confusion in his voice. He didn't really care for titles or rankings. He just wanted a good fight that would satisfy him.

"You need another hobby, Vash. Thinking about fighting all the time will drive you insane." Kenshin said with a neutral tone while sipping some tea.

"Whatever," Vash said and sat down.

"We are one day away from Marineford. Prepare for battle. We are ordered to cause some chaos, not a total annihilation of the marines." Byakuya said and walked away to meditate before the battle.

"As he said. This is merely a battle to show our strength to the world. The captain don't want to take over the world by destroying it all. So do show some restraint." Toshiro said and gave everyone an ice-cold stare.


Above Marineford two giant sky islands were hovering steadily. They were both in cloak mode so no one down on the ground could see them. At the edge of ice-covered island, 7 people stood and looked down on Marineford.

"Is everybody ready?" Byakuya asked the group of filled with powerful yet very odd people.

"Of course, let's go already" Vash answered and stood there bouncing in excitement.

"hm" A big man with a massive sword nodded and just made a sound to confirm.

They all nodded at each other and then took a step out into mid-air and started falling downwards at incredible speed.

The marines down on the ground were in a weird mood at the moment. The fleet admiral had called back the two admirals that were out on a mission. They all knew something was up, they just didn't know what it was.

"How did Z take it, being called back for this reason?" Sengoku asked Kong. They were standing on Kong's personal balcony that was overlooking Marineford in its entirety.

"He was just happy to not have to escort more world nobles. Momonga was given his task instead." Kong's eyes scanned every nook and cranny, trying to locate anything that looked out of place.

"And Tsuru? What is she thinking about this whole thing?"

"What? About a self-proclaimed pirate emperor attacking Marineford with only a few commanders. Scepticism is one word for what she is feeling at the moment." Kong said. He, himself didn't know when the attack would happen, or if the threat was even real to begin with.

"Kong! Do you feel that!?" Sengoku's awareness suddenly shot through the roof. From nowhere, 7 crazy powerful auras had appeared in the sky above and they were coming in fast.

"Gather the men at the central plaza. I'm sure the others felt that as well." 'His commanders actually came here.' Kong quickly jumped down from the balcony and started free falling towards the streets below. This would be the toughest fight of his life if those auras are anything to go by.

At the central plaza inside Marineford, marines were running back and forth. Their uneasy feelings had all been correct because the fleet admiral had just reported an enemy attack approaching and every soldier was to gather at the central plaza immediately.

"Hey, who do you think is crazy enough to attack Marineford when everyone is here?" A random marine asked the ones standing around him.

"The fleet admiral gathered the admirals, so obviously it's someone he considers a threat, now shut up and focus." Another marine answered, fear visible all over his face.

7 blurs then appeared faster than their eyes could see and... *BOOOOOOOM*

A massive explosion happened. Almost like a few warships had been falling from high up in the sky. The seven silhouettes caused a massive smoke screen and broke apart the ground that they landed on.

"Sengoku," Kong said and looked at the admiral standing on his right. All of the high ranking marines had appeared here the moment they sensed the auras. They traced it and figured out the trajectory so they knew where they would land.

"Understood!" Sengoku slammed his hands together in the direction of the plaza and all the smoke that had risen was blown away by the pressure that his hands caused.

"So this is our welcome party is it?" A tall blonde man said as he and the rest of his group slowly got revealed from the disappearing smoke.

"Are you happy now, Vash?" A man stood with closed eyes and held his sword in one hand and the other he had hung by his side.

"Definitely. This will be fun!" The blond-haired man answered with a big smile as he looked around at all the marines staring at him like he was crazy.

"That's quite the fall. Who are you and what do you want!" Kong said, even though everyone here could pretty much already guess their goal in coming here.

"Well, I am known as Vash!" He said and looked at Borsalino with a look that said, "you're mine".

"We are here to test the strength of the marines. Our Captain doesn't believe you all are worthy of controlling the world, so if you wanna keep that control. Don't die too quickly!" Byakuya said with no emotions and put a hand on his sword.

"Begin!" He said and signalled with his hand.

"Let's thin the numbers a little bit first." Lubbock waved his fingers in the direction of the marine standing behind Kong.

"Chop!" The heads of every elite marine standing behind the fleet admiral fell to the floor as he said that word.

The rest of the marines just stared at the now-dead marines and then turned their eyes to the smiling Lubbock. Anger and fury appeared on every single marine here and a yellow flash instantly appeared behind Bullock almost as soon as the heads fell to the floor.

"Die for me!" Borsalino appeared and aimed his kick at the green-haired boys head. Anger and regret visible on his face.

"No you don't!" Vash appeared before the kick and stopped Borsalino's foot with his gun and pulled the trigger. The light man groaned in pain as a bullet made it's way through his foot and pierced another 2 marines behind Borsalino.

"Haki?" He said as his leg returned to normal with the use of his fruit. He glared at Vash and swung his leg a little to get the movement back into his right leg.

'This Vash person is fast enough to keep up with Borsalino, but from the way they have spoken and acted, the one with long black hair should be the leader of this little group.' Kong analyzed the group from the information they had gotten. He wanted to desperately know where on the power scale this blonde-haired man was placed.

'That boy. He went and became a pirate. This will be more troublesome than I first thought.' Garp saw a boy with blue hair standing beside the green-haired one who killed all those elite marines.

"You're pretty dangerous," Borsalino said and carefully watched Vash movements.

"The name is Vash, and you bet I am. Underestimate me and you'll lose your life." He said while aiming his gun at his opponent in a playful manner.

"How troublesome," Borsalino said while standing in front of the marine soldiers. No matter how he acted or talked in his daily life or on the battlefield. It never took away from the fact that he hated seeing his allied die and 2 had just lost their lives because he acted without enough knowledge.

"Byakuya, I want that man for myself," Guts said and pointed at Z with a little excitement visible in his sharp eyes.

"Just don't kill him." Was all Guts got in response?

"hm." Guts dashed towards the Z with a speed that surprised Z himself. Still, it wasn't to the extent that he couldn't handle it.

Guts reached for his sword in the middle of the dash, but a giant fist of lava was flying towards him from the left side. Guts didn't bother with it because he felt someone already moving in to block it.

As the lava fist came close to Guts, a boy appeared in front of it and cut it apart completely. Sakazuki was forced to back off because haki was used and he would be seriously hurt if he continued on that path.

"Toshiro Hitsugaya. A traitor. I shall kill you in the name of justice, for your crimes you have committed against the marines." Sakazuki, of course, knew about this boy. He used to hold great respect and hope for him. He had been one of the strongest Vice Admirals a few years back before he completely went off the grid. Neither the marines nor world government could find a single trace of where he had disappeared to.

"What crimes? Not wanting to serve garbage like the world nobles. It's you people that should be executed, because you are allowing their actions." Toshiro said and gripped his sword in anger.

"Bastard. Enough talking, time for you to die a traitor." Sakazuki dashed towards Toshiro and turned his fist into the lava again.

"not happening." Toshiro used his own fist and met Sakazuki's and what he did next shocked the lava man greatly. He covered his own fist with ice and met Sakazuki and both lava and ice exploded out in a battle of dominance.

"How do you have that devil fruit, you traitor. That power belongs to the marines. Now you can just dream of ever leaving this place alive." Sakazuki's rage reached it's limits and he put much more force into his attack.

"Kuzan, have you lost you devil fruit? How does he use ice as well?" Kong looked at the ice man carefully.

"No, I am still an ice man. I don't think that is my devil fruit. Something feels different about it." Kuzan said while carefully observing Toshiro.

"You are right. That is not at all like your weak fruit." Byakuya interrupted. The marines turned and stared at the man with long black hair and scarf decorating his outfit.

"Your name was Byakuya, was it?" Sengoku said and stepped forward. He decided to test this boys strength himself.

"Yes. You are gonna need him as well, or you are going to lose immediately." Byakuya pointed at Garp who just looked curious. Sengoku frowned at being underestimated.

"Sengoku, Stop! Boy, what do you mean when you said Kuzan's fruit was weak." Kong was more interested in information at this moment.

"Honorable Grandfather gifted Toshiro an ancient and powerful ability. Your devil fruit is merely a bad copy of the power Toshiro wields." Byakuya said while standing completely relaxed.

"So you're Ginrei Grandson?" Garp asked since he was very curious about Ginrei's identity and how he had stayed hidden for so long.

"Yes, i am." Garp and Sengoku took the situation a little more serious now that his identity has been revealed. Ginrei's grandson should be the strongest here from what they saw, so they both raised their awareness.

"Garp, Sengoku, go make quick work out of that arrogant boy." Kong was also apprehensive, but he knew these two and how strong they were. Very few could match them and Kong was one of them. He didn't really believe this young boy could stand with these two veterans on equal ground.

"Let's go, kid, show me your spirit," Garp said while laughing and threw another piece of candy into his mouth.

"Garp, careful. He shows no fear. He surely has pride in his strength, so we need to take this slow." Sengoku's personality was more on the careful side in all manner of life compared to Garp, and that also was true in battle situations.

"Begin!" Byakuya said and took a step forward.

