Chapter 30

Dragon and his captains were following the cloaked man through the village and everyone had already guessed which building they were going to. It wasn't that hard to figure out.

They arrived outside the building and while still following the man they made their way onto the second floor of the building. The man knocked on one of the doors on the second floor and a voice came soon after, telling them to enter.

"I have brought them, Lord Hokage." The man said while kneeling down. Dragon and his captains showed no emotions while the man kneeled down in front of the Hokage.

"Thank you. You can return." The Hokage said and the cloaked man nodded and disappeared from the room entirely.

"Welcome to the hidden leaf village. My name is Hiruzen Sarutobi and I am the third Hokage." He said while scanning Dragon and the rest of his company with cautious eyes.

"Thank you. My name is Portgas D Dragon and these are my students. Rize, Alucard, Sebastien and Ryu." Dragon introduced his company and Hiruzen showed a slight shocked expression because of the unusual names that some of them possessed.

"May i ask what your intentions are here in the village?" Hiruzen could feel that this Dragon character was powerful so that's why he sent an Anbu to invite him the moment he felt them approach the village gates.

"Of course. I was looking for a place to settle down and this village has a great and powerful reputation." Dragon looked into Hiruzen's eyes and said with confidence.

"What is it that you do, Mr Dragon? If i may." Someone with this amount of obvious strength must have long background of fighting and Hiruzen was of course always looking for additions to the village military force. He had to play this right and then maybe he could get some great benefits from this group of people.

"I am a martial arts teacher and I was actually looking to set up shop inside your village, Lord Hokage." Dragon decided to play it safe and show the proper respect towards the village head. He didn't want unnecessary complications.

"The village would gladly welcome you, Mr Dragon. If you want to set up a school for your martial arts, certain papers have to be filled out." Hiruzen liked the direction of this conversation. Even if they didn't join their military force, they would obviously still defend their new home and that was good enough for now.

"Of course," Dragon said and spoke with respect just so that the album's that was watching them wouldn't try anything under the pretence that he was being disrespectful. He wanted a quiet start here in the village.

---Hours later----

The five of them were sitting inside an apartment that Hiruzen had showed them. The buildings living quarters was acceptable, with 8 individual rooms that was all more then big enough to get by.

And below the apartment itself was a huge hall that used to be a restaurant that Dragon would now transform into his martial arts school. He knew exactly who he wanted to personally train here.

Hiruzen gave them a week to try out this space and if they liked it, they will set up a contract for the ownership of the entire building. Dragon had the system for money so he didn't care for how much it would cost to live here. He really noticed in the last few months how not fair this system is to the rest of the world. But did he care? no, he did not.

"So, here is how we will progress from now on. I am going to send you Ryu to join the Anbu. You will be my eyes and ears inside the village government. This will be easy considering your strength. And on top of that Hiruzen is desperate for loyal and strong soldiers." Dragon looked at Ryu as he sat there in the dogeza position.

"Understood, master!" He replied with determination.

"Alucard, there is an organization that is being created as of this very moment. They call themselves the Akatsuki and you will find and join them. I will provide you with information on it's members and the general location of their leader." Alucard looked excited as always. He was probably the most loyal among all the captains so every mission and command brought him joy.

"All Akatsuki members wear the same outfit so you can't easily visit any village with it on. You will have to mind where you go and who you show yourself to in the future. Not like anyone can catch you, but still, be a little careful." Alucard simply nodded along to Dragon's words.

"Rize, Undertaker, you two will start the creation of the Gotei 13. Find somewhere completely remote and start the construction of our base. We will unite the world under the Gotei and it starts with you two. Find talented individuals and recruit them by any means necessary. Undertaker, your abilities are valuable here. You are allowed to use them on anyone you find would be helpful towards out cause." Dragon said and they both nodded.

"Good. Remember that the people here don't use the same kind of abilities that we do, so be very careful in revealing them. Try and keep as much as possible hidden." Dragon said and they nodded.

"Now go get your rest. We will begin tomorrow." Dragon sent them on their way and they all went into their separate rooms. The apartment was sound and visually secure so the anbu's hiding outside didn't get any information about what's going on inside. They got nothing at all so they just continued monitoring Dragon's apartment with cautious eyes as they had been warned that Dragon was strong.

