Chapter 32

Dragon and Naruto were standing outside the building where Naruto spent most of his time. And the place he always wished he could leave because in there, no one could see what they did to him. In there he was not safe from their words and fists. Not safe, like he had been walking here together with this man.

The only thing people dared to do the entire walk here was give him a dirty look. One word from them earned them a look from Dragon and not soon after they all ran away screaming.

"C-Can i see you again?" Naruto asked Dragon with an incredibly awkward stance. He was staring at the ground and swung his left leg back and forth in a manner that made it seem like he was the "I don't care" kind of kid. In truth, on the inside his heart was beating faster then ever.

"ha, ha, only if you stop being so nervous around me all the time." Dragon said and laughed at Naruto's behavior.

"Okay! I-i will." Naruto seemed to light up completely and it looked almost like he had come alive again.

"I have some business to take care off, but i will come here tomorrow again. Okay?" Dragon said and put his hand the Naruto's head lightly and smiled at him with his "Sylvia approved kid-friendly smile".

"Goodbye, Naruto!" Dragon said and waved while walking away. Naruto didn't say anything but only made a noise and timidly waved back. This was his outer look. On the inside he was on the verge of breaking down in happy tears.


Night had fallen now and Dragon was sitting on a thick tree branch and waiting for tonight's event to start. He used his Observation haki to observe the entire Hyuga compound, which was huge in size. He was lucky that his haki had a crazy range. His haki could easily cover the entire village and that was when he was not blasting it in full power.

It was a little past midnight and finally a figure approached the Hyuga compound. It was a man and he very skillfully made his way inside the courtyard of the main branch of the Hyuga. He seemed to know it quite well since he knew exactly where he was going, and the only thing that was slowing him down at all was the patrols that the Hyuga always had around the main branch household.

'He is skilled. He is avoiding the patrols masterfully.' Dragon observed what was going on and smiling whilst looking at the ninja without a headband or any other article of clothing that would indicate that he belongs to any village.

'Time to act.' Dragon saw the ninja jump away from the compound with something in hand this time. It was very dark outside so without a special way to see in the dark, there was no way to see what was carried away by that ninja.

The ninja that had so boldly infiltrated the Hyuga compound and successfully accomplished his mission was smiling under his face mask. He was happy and relieved that he wasn't spotted, but his vigilance never wavered at all.

He moved from branch to branch and his speed was constantly rising because something felt wrong to him. No matter how much he checked or how fast he ran, the feeling of a pair of eyes staring him down never disappeared. The feeling appeared when he left the leaf village behind, but it still hadn't left and he was starting to think it was more then just uncalled for paranoia.

"Nice night!" two words sounded out right behind him and scared him so he lost balance and stumbled on the ground and fell down. He quickly recovered and drew his Kunai and took a fighting stance against the darkness surrounding him.

"Come out!" He said in a low tone of voice towards the dark and silent forest. Only the wind whistling through the trees could be heard around him.

"I know you're out there!" His head scanned every inch of his surroundings and he was on full alert. He made sure his grip around the bag he had was tight, so he wouldn't lose it.

"shh" An echo appeared around him and he spun around when it sounded like it was right behind him.

"Are you afraid?" A voice right behind his left ear made him spin around again, only to find emptiness.

"Come out!" The man said a little louder now that his fear and anxiousness had risen further towards this unknown threat.

"I already got what I came for."

"Why don't you head back to Kumo."

"No one needs to know." The voice kept bouncing and it sounded further and further away, and eventually, the calm and quietness of the night returned. And the feeling of someone watching him disappeared.

*sigh* The man breathed out and prepared to escape. This was until he finally noticed the difference in weight around his shoulder.

'what..!' The sack he had hanging around his shoulder was empty and the package was gone. He looked around in a panic and wanted to find whoever was here, but he couldn't. He had to move before they arrived.

'How am I gonna explain this one.' He made his way into the distance, now without the package. Though unfortunately for him, a palm thrown out of anger and fury appeared and killed the man instantly.

A man dressed in white landed beside the now dead ninja. He looked furious and also confused.

"Check the sack." He ordered his men and they searched the man and the sack he held a tight grip on even in death.

"It's empty, Lord Hiashi." The ninja that held the bag said.

"How is that possible? We would have noticed a switch. There was no way they could do that without our knowing." Hiashi said while anger and sadness spread across his face. It was at this time that an Anbu ninja appeared out of nowhere on a branch close to them.

"Lord Hiashi. Your daughter has been located. She is back inside her room at the Hyuga compound."

"What did you say?" Hiashi looked at the Anbu in disbelief.

