Chapter 40

"Here we are. This is your new home." Dragon opened up the slide doors to his house and beckoned Jūgo to go inside.

"It's big." He looked around in what was the hall that Dragon and Naruto spent most of their early day's training.

"Ye, this is essentially the martial arts school in its entirety. Your personal room is upstairs, I will show you later." The hall had a tiny kitchen that Dragon had turned from a closet filled with dust to a nice space dedicated to the creation of tea.

"Let me make some tea and then we can start talking about your kekkei genkai." Dragon disappeared into the little room that he had all his tea stuff in.

"DAD ARE YOU HOME NOW??" A boy slammed the door open and then slammed it shut behind him as he simultaneously rushed into the hall. Surprisingly this was a very smooth action, performed like a total master with a side of badass. The thing that ruined his image was his high pitch voice.

"huh? Who are you? Where is my dad?" Naruto didn't come halfway inside before he spotted an orange-haired young man standing inside the ring used for sparring.

"C..c..chakra.. N-NNOO! Ma..master. D. D-Dragon.." Jūgo fell down on his knees grasping his head in fright and anger.

"H-Hey! Are you okay? What happened to you? And how do you know my dad's name?" Naruto ran up to Jūgo but he was stopped by the boy himself.

"NO, STAY AWAY!! AAAAH" Jūgo screamed trying to fight the feeling rising within him. He had no idea what gave rise to this feeling. He felt and incredibly powerful and destructive chakra around the yellow haired boy and it seemed to trigger his killing intent.

"Let me go find my dad." Naruto was trying to rush upstairs where his dad might be. But he didn't make it far before the feeling of death appeared behind him.

"SHIT!" Naruto jumped to the side just in time to dodge the fist of Jūgo that buried itself within the floor where Naruto had just been.

"Hey, you can't come into someone's house and then attack them. Dad said that's very rude." Naruto said and looked at Jūgo that had lost all control.

"Guess we gonna have to do this the hard way." Naruto and Jūgo dashed at each other at the same time and clashed in mid-air using their fists.

"KILL!!" Jūgo put more force into it and forced Naruto back with pure strength. As Naruto flew and landed a few meters away, Jūgo's body started to change in multiple places. A grey fluid came forth and became like a second skin, or more accurately an armour on his body.

"This just became a much more difficult fight." Naruto looked around for anything to use, but he saw nothing that would help so he readied his fists.

"Come on then!" Naruto said and dashed forward in a pretty decent speed.

"KILL!!" Jūgo was faster so he appeared in front of Naruto and punched him in the face before the yellow haired boy could react. He was thrown back and hit the wall of the house, hard.

"And here I thought I was strong enough to do this without haki. Guess not." Naruto closed his eyes to concentrate and Jūgo didn't care if they were open or closed. He dashed at Naruto again and this time tried to grab his throat.

"Not this time." At the last second, Naruto tilted his head and punched Jūgo directly on the chin making him crash into the ground and he slid a few meters on the ground.

"Now the real fight can start." Naruto jumped after Jūgo and grabbed his leg and prepared to slam him on the floor.

Jūgo that acted fully on instinct felt Naruto's hand holding onto his foot and he quickly used his other one and kicked the boy. Naruto was forced to let go and defend against the kick with both arms.

"You hit hard!" Naruto massaged his hands that took the full force of Jūgo's attack. Both had gotten up again and now they were staring at each other.

Naruto and Jūgo dashed at each other, but only one of them had real killing intent spreading from their body.

Their fists met and a small vibration was spread out and cracks started to form on the ground beneath them. They both pushed against each other and Jūgo won in both speed and physical strength so Naruto had to become creative.

'Let's try this.' Naruto, as he was about to lose ground completely let go off all the power behind his arm and then dashed under Jūgo's legs. Jūgo that now was using his full force to push against the air lost his balance.

'Chance!' Naruto jumped forward and used his full force and landed a hit square on Jūgo's face. This sent the raging boy to skim across the ground and eventually hit the wall.

"N-Naruto, I am here with the tea you wanted." The front door that Jūgo was now laying beside opened up timidly and Hinata peaked her head inside, too afraid to fully enter the house.

"HINATA, RUN!" Naruto didn't even think about it. He rushed forward with a speed he didn't know he had and before Jūgo could get up, another round of small kid fists was planted multiple times on his face.

"Come on, Hinata. It's not safe here!" Naruto grabbed her arm and led her inside. He didn't know where to take her, but as long as it was away from the rampaging boy he was fine with it.

"W-What is going on, Naruto??" Hinata's brain hadn't registered what just happened. She looked around and saw holes in the walls and cracks on the ground.

"I don't know either. As soon as I arrived home I found this guy here and then he suddenly attacked me from nowhere." As they were running, they heard Jūgo scream incoherently behind them. They both turned around and saw Jūgo flying at them with increased speed.

"Get behind me!" Naruto made sure that Hinata was behind him and prepared to take Jūgo's attack head-on.

"Naruto, b-be careful!" Hinata saw the raging boy and she felt the fear rise up inside her. Before Naruto and Jūgo could continue, a targeted pulse of strange energy appeared and Jūgo that was mid jump towards Naruto fell unconscious and slid across the ground now totally knocked out.

"That was a fantastic display, Naruto." Dragon had appeared behind the two suddenly and it scared Hinata so she grabbed on to Naruto's hand like she used to do with Ko.

"KYAA!" She immediately realized what she had done and let go and proceeded to run towards the door.

"Hinata, wait!" Naruto said and tried to stop her from running away.

"T-Thanksforhavingmeover!" She said super fast in one quick sentence then bowed about eleven times and ran out of the house.

"ha, ha, ha, what a great little source of entertainment that girl is." Dragon said as he went and picked up Jūgo's body.

"Dad, what the hell is going on!" Naruto said with a demanding tone. He really wanted to know what was going on.

"That's two times!" Dragon said and held up two fingers in front of Naruto's face.

"What? Two what?" Naruto felt like this could not get any more confusing than it already was.

"The jar. That's two times. Pay up!" Dragon said with a grin.

"WHAT! NO FAIR! I was fighting and thought I was going to die!" Naruto grabbed onto Dragons shirt and tried to shake his dad in frustration.

"I was here the whole time. No way you would die under my watch." He said and smiled at the boy.

"Swindler!" Naruto said and walked upstairs to where that jar was. A jar he hated with everything he had.

