Chapter 47

Dragon, together with a lot of people were sitting inside his hall. They were all sitting in a circle, and in the middle of that circle was Obito, bound by golden shining chains that restricted all of his movements.

"Obito. That seal i placed on your shoulder has taken all your chakra away. As long as it stays on you, you will never be able to perform any, ninjutsu, genjutsu and even your taijutsu will be restricted. Do you understand?" Dragon said with his parental and stern look.

"Yes, i understand." Obito had spoken very little after waking up. He had mostly stared into the void and let tears fall from his eyes.

"I am going on a journey as everyone in here knows. Obito, that seal will be with you for as long as i am gone. I want you to take this time to reflect on the life you've lived up until this point. You are also restricted to only this building."

For reasons he didn't quite understand, he felt pity and sorrow when he looked at Obito. He wanted to make sure that this was Obito's chance to make amends for what he has done to this world.

"I understand." Obito said with semi-dead eyes. Dragon didn't know if he would ever recover, but maybe people would say that he doesn't even deserve this much mercy.

"Dad, do you have to go so soon?" Naruto said with a dejected look on his face.

"Yes! This is something that i can't keep delaying. Just keep living your life and you won't even notice that I'm gone. But don't think that just because i am gone you can slack off in school. Ryu will report everything to me when i return." Dragon said and looked at Naruto's panicked face.

"I-I would n-never even think about skipping school." Naruto rubbed the back of his head while giving Ryu the stink eye.

"I will keep an eye on young master," Ryu said and bowed respectfully.

"Itachi, Fugaku. How did the talk with the Hokage go?" Both of them had been invited here after they had been and talked extensively with the Hokage. They talked about their position in the village and about them becoming a clan in Dragon's empire instead of in the leaf village.

"Lord Hokage understood why we accepted and he said that he won't say anything about us leaving the village. The last difficult part will be to make the clan itself accept such a rash decision. I can imagine some members that are not too happy to move away from the leaf village.

"I see. When you are ready to move, if I'm not back, just look for Ryu and he will show you to the land that your clan will have within the borders of my empire. There is no real hurry, so make sure that you have all the clan matters in order before you move to my empire. You don't want the problems here to follow you over there." Dragon said while nodding in acknowledgment towards the two Uchiha.

"Understood, Lord Dragon." Fugaku said with a respectful bow.

"Shisui, have you thought about what I asked you before?" Dragon looked at the quiet Uchiha in the circle.

"I have. And I gladly accept." Shisui said with a respectful bow just like Fugaku and Itachi.

"Great! Then that includes all the affairs i had to talk about before i went on my way." Dragon said and stood up.

"Dad..?" A hesitating Naruto stood up as well and faced Dragon.

"yes, Naruto? What is it?" He watched Naruto standing there with his hair covering his eyes. A tear fell down his face and he rushed into Dragon's embrace and grabbed a hold of him tightly.

"Now what's this about?" Dragon said and smiled while looking at his son that he was immensely proud off.

"I-I just want you to know that no matter what... YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MY DAD!!" Naruto said and yelled while he buried his face in Dragon's embrace. Dragon kneed down so he could look Naruto in the eyes.

"And i will always be your father, Naruto. Nothing will change that! No one can break the bond that you and i have created over these years." Dragon said and hugged his son tightly.

"Now, before i start hesitating to leave Naruto alone. I should go. Take care everyone!" Dragon released Naruto that quickly rushed upstairs and entered his room.

"See you when i return." A very familiar black portal appeared and he stepped into it and disappeared. A portal also appeared underneath Shisui as well and he fell into it.

"Goodbye, Itachi!" Shisui said as the portal closed behind him.

"I still can't believe Dragon is from another world." Fugaku said and sighed out loud.

"That's not so strange. I think it would be weirder if we were the only world that developed like this. I am quite happy to know that there are more world to venture to and explore." Jugo had been thinking about this a lot, and the more he thought about it, the more it made sense to him that more worlds existed.

"I suppose. But it's still unreal to think about. In just one day, he changed everything i have ever known to be true. Nothing feels real anymore." Fugaku said and gave an even bigger sigh.

