Chapter 70

It was early morning the next day and the Uchiha brothers were standing outside the doors to the dojo. They could hear people yelling inside and what sounded like weapons clashing against each other.

"Are you ready, Sasuke?" Itachi was wearing the Akatsuki outfit already and he had his bamboo hat in his hand.

"Of course. If a carefree, lazy person like Naruto can become strong by training here then so can i. Give me a month and I will surpass him." Sasuke showed no fear or anxiety. He was most excited about the coming future.

"I believe in you." Itachi couldn't help but smile when listening to his brother.

When Sasuke finished talking. Itachi opened the door and what greeted him was a tiny needle flying towards his right eye.

"What's this" Itachi caught the needle a millimetre before it pierced his eye.

"Reaction speed. Average.." A man in a red trench coat and a big red hat stood a few meters inside the dojo hall.

"Itachi Uchiha, attack me. Physical combat only." Alucard stood with his hands in his coat pockets.

Itachi knew who he was here to meet. A test of strength was already something he had expected when he arrived.

Itachi ran towards Alucard and delivered a straight punch. It took about one single second for him to cross the seven-meter distance between them.

Alucard raised his hand and let Itachi's punch hit the palm of his hand. Alucard's hand was seen by Itachi but he couldn't make his punch land before Alucard had raised his hand. The speed off Alucard was so fast that Itachi perceived it as slow.

When Alucard started to move from Itachi's point of view, Alucard himself had already raised his hand all the way. So Alucard had moved his hand at a speed that Itachi couldn't comprehend.

"Physical strength, below average. A marine captain could probably overpower you." Alucard said while observing Itachi from head to toe.

"Marine Captain?" Itachi had never heard this term before.

"I'll tell you about it later, boy."

"Speed, above average. Pretty decent. The good thing is, you are probably the most talented person I have ever seen." Alucard gripped a hold off Itachi's hand and did an overhead throw.

"AH!" Itachi was slammed into the ground so hard he spits up blood.

"You have fantastic talent. It shall be wonderful to see what I can make out of you." Alucard picked Itachi up by the arm and dangled him in front of his face to get a better look.

"Though, I did hope for something more exciting." Alucard creepily smiled and his natural blood lust became more intense.

Itachi that was hanging in mid-air suddenly moved and made an attempt to kick Alucard's head. His leg disappeared into a blur and it hit Alucard right on the side off his face.

"Nice brother!" Sasuke yelled from behind as Alucard's body went flying and crashed into the house wall.

"You showed reaction speed into the milliseconds. Let me one-up you and show you what speed in the microseconds looks like." Alucard was walking towards them again and talking with a neutral tone of voice. but when the last word left his mouth, Itachi already had a hand gripped around his throat.

"When I am done with you, moving 100 meters in a second will be your new normal." Alucard's grip tightened and he slammed Itachi forwards right into the floor. The area where his face was slammed into completely broke apart and Itachi lost consciousness and his face was borderline destroyed.

"BROTHER!" Sasuke freaked out and ran towards Alucard. he put power into his legs and launched himself at Alucard with no fear.

Anger and anxiety were the two primary emotions that fueled this attack and before he even reached Alucard he lost balance in mid-air fell down.

'What's happening??!' Sasuke was lying down and gripping his head in pain.

"oh, this is interesting." Dragon walked up beside Alucard and stared down at the boy.

After a few seconds, Sasuke stopped growing in pain and struggled his way onto his feet. He stood up on wonky legs and stared at Alucard and Dragon. Both men towered over him so an instinctive feeling of fear appeared.

"Congratulations, Sasuke. You just became an official Uchiha." Dragon said and clapped his hands nonchalantly.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke said while standing there ready to fight.

"Go look for yourself." Dragon pointed at a big mirror that was standing off to the side. Sasuke looked over and even though the distance to the mirror was a few meters, he could see his reflection perfectly.

"Sharingan? I got my Sharingan, how?" Sasuke saw his own reflection then turned and asked Dragon how this could have happened.

"Something inside of you triggered when you saw what happened to Itachi. We will have to explore this some more to find out about your Sharingan and it's abilities. Now it's time you should take off." Dragon gestured for Alucard to leave.

"Yes, my master. I will go deal with this boy." Alucard and Itachi that he had hanging over his shoulder disappeared into a mist.

"Come inside, Sasuke. We will talk before you and Naruto head off to the academy." Dragon started walking with a confused and bewildered Sasuke standing behind him not really knowing what to do in this situation. The source of his anger had just dissolved into mist together with his brother.

"What about Itachi? Is he gonna be okay?" Sasuke asked worriedly.

"Oh yes, Alucard is very... Gentle." He couldn't bring himself to tell the poor boy the truth.

---A few days later---

Inside the kage tower of the Rain Village the Akatsuki was ordered to assemble. They were all gathered inside the tower and waiting for their leader to return.

"How goes the tracking of Orochimaru?" A red-haired man, wearing the Akatsuki robes asked the group. Behind him stood his paths.

"He disappeared again, but we confirmed that he has knowledge about the Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation jutsu."

"He has been sending agents on a lot of retrieval missions, but we don't know exactly what has been brought back. Orochimaru knows we're watching him again and he has gone to great lengths to make sure that we don't find out what he is been doing."

Konan stood with a scroll in hand and reported the contents to Nagato.

"So it is probably safe to assume that the thing he is searching for is bodies. If I got my hands on that jutsu, I would perfect it and then gather the bodies of powerful ninjas." Sasori said from his spot in the corner.

"That's right. We should assume that he is doing exactly that." Konan said while writing something down on another scroll.

"Konan, write a report about our recent discoveries and send it to the empire. We will wait for the emperor to make a decision on how to proceed." Nagato said while tapping the table in a rhythmic manner.

'There's a war on the horizon. We must do our part to make sure that the empire comes out on top.' Nagato said to himself and smiled inwardly with confidence. He had been brought back with newfound strength and he was not gonna fall down and stumble this time around.

"We have been waiting here for an entire day already. When is leader coming back with our new member? I can't wait forever, there are people that need killing." Hidan was leaning against the wall and spoke out in boredom.

"You will wait for as long as master Alucard requires. Don't think I won't end your life should you ask such stupid questions again." Nagato looked up from the table and pointed with one of his black rods at Hidan.

"Sorry, sorry, waiting makes me bored. And boredom leads me to talk. It's not my fault.." Hidan apologized in his normal sarcastic tone.

"Shall I send you to hell then? I promise it won't be boring." Alucard came walking in with Itachi following behind. Itachi was now fully healed and his whole being seemed different than a few days ago.

"no, thank you. There I can't kill anyone. That's the one thing I can never give up." Hidan said with a savage smile. Alucard stopped and looked at him.

"Really? Then I suggest you stop being such an annoying little shit or I'll show you every reason as to why eternal life can be worse than death." Alucard appeared before Hidan like a ghost and gripped his whole face.

"You talk too much. And the next time you scream about the pleasures of killing in the middle of a meeting, I will chop you up and force-feed you to Deidara. Are we clear?" Alucard said in a tone so dark and chilling that the entire room seemed to have dropped in temperature.

"ahm, Crystal!" Hidan said and saluted jokingly. But beneath that silly and sarcastic personality, you would find he had a real and genuine fear towards Alucard.

"Okay, everyone. This is Itachi Uchiha. My student and a potential candidate for Vice Captain for the 1st Division. So you all know what that means. He now holds the same status as Nagato in the empire. Let's start the meeting."

"Okay, Everyone. Now that Master Alucard has returned we can move on to the first order of business. The Capture of two tails." Nagato said in a demanding and powerful tone that held incredible vitality compared to a couple of months ago.

Konan stood on the side and admired the new and improved Nagato. After so many years, life, and fire like drive could finally be seen inside his eyes.

