Chapter 89

Dragon opened the door to his home and inside was everyone that lived here. He had gathered everyone for this meeting and now he had arrived with the last two people.

Dragon walked inside with the boys following behind him. They had a frown on their face because they knew Dragon's punishments were never kind.

"I'm glad all of you could gather for this. Let's get this family meeting going." Dragon sat down at the head position at the table.

"This is about you leaving isn't it?" Naruto said with a depressing look. He knew this day would come eventually.

"Let me explain first." Dragon put his hand on Naruto's shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. He didn't like the idea of leaving, but it couldn't be delayed any longer. Dragon initially wanted to leave when Naruto had grown up but that just wasn't possible anymore.

"Gildarts is going back to his homeworld alone. Sylvia and I talked through this with Gildarts and we decided this was the best option for us." His eyes scanned through the crowd and felt the respect and adoration most of them had towards him.

"Obito, Jugo, you two have the option of staying here or following me back to Gildarts homeworld. The choice is entirely up to you."

"Master Dragon, I... I wish to follow along. I have longed for the day where I can explore beyond the boundaries of a single world."

During all these years, Jugo had gotten a full understanding of what made each word different, and just how many there were. He had mentioned early on that he would love to one day explore another world. So this was his chance to make that dream come true.

"I understand. And Obito, what about you?"

"Lord Dragon, I wish to stay here. I swore that I would protect this house and this family. So I will stay and protect Naruto, Sasuke and Lady Sylvia." He said in a tone that spoke about how much he burned for his duties to protect them.

"I'm glad that both of you have found something you burn for" He smiled at them both.

"I remember when I found you both. Even though you lived completely different lives, you were oddly similar in how you perceived the world around you."

"Now look at you. You have both found something worth living and fighting for. I asked both of you a few years ago to live and show me that you are someone of worth. And I am happy to say that you both have become someone that I am proud of."

"Thank you, Lord Dragon!" Both men slammed their head on the ground and thanked Dragon deeply.

"Atlas, what's your decision? Even though I think I already know the answer." He looked at the Giant tiger.

"I wish to accompany Gildarts if he agrees to it." Atlas bowed his head to the god that had birthed him and given him all this power he held.

"Of course you can. You're my first friend after all." Gildarts gave Atlas a big smile in response.

"Ryu, you will stay here and work with the other commanders. Keep working according to my plan and this world will soon be ours without much resistance."

"Understood, Lord Dragon." He bowed and answered.

"Now, Sasuke and Naruto. Listen up."

"I know you have your differences, and I know you love beating each other up. But while I'm gone try and take care of each other, because the family doesn't come from blood, it comes from love, trust and respect."

Dragon put one finger over each of the boy's hearts and poked their chests.

"It's in here, Naruto, Sasuke, if you ever start to question who you are, look into your heart. The answer is always inside."

"Can't you ever stop being so cryptic," Naruto complained loudly, and Sasuke sighed in disappointment.

"Do you understand, Sasuke?" Dragon looked at the Uchiha boy.

"I understand, master Dragon. When will you be coming back?"

"I don't know. Only time will tell."

"Now, all of you, clear the hall I need a moment with my wife." Dragon said and all the people around him bowed and left in a hurry.

And when the last person disappeared from the hall, Dragon finally turned his focus on his wife.

"Where will you go?" Sylvia asked while snuggling into Dragon's bosom.

"I don't know. This power I possess is corrupting me, I can feel it more clearly every day."

"I need to go to the furthest reaches of the universe. I need to find myself, find a power I can claim as my own. Not something my so-called father gifted to me."

"So you really have no idea how long you will be gone?" Sylvia was caressing his hand, and slowly lifted it up and kissed it.

"I don't know. But there is a difference in time in the universe, and as far as I understand it. The further out you travel in the universe the faster time goes by."

"What does that mean?" Sylvia looked up at him in worry.

"It means that this world and your homeworld, that is very close to the centre of the universe, time moves slower. In the worlds I am going to, a thousand years could very well be only ten years here with you."

"So next time we meet. It is guaranteed that much more time will have passed for me then it has for you. So if we're lucky you will only need to wait for one year."

"We can hope for that. But either way, it doesn't matter because I would wait a thousand years for you. I love you and I will never stop."

"How I managed to find the best woman in the universe I will never understand." Dragon and Sylvia shared a long kiss then sat in silence and just enjoyed the moment they had with each other.




So this is the last chapter in the Naruto world. So yes, that's this volume done... I have to admit now that I have done a full volume in the Naruto universe.

it's very boring. There have been so many Naruto FF and whatnot, so I definitely won't be doing FF in Naruto again. Well, at least not for a while. It burned my creativity away a little I must say.

But anyway, hope you enjoyed it, and tomorrow begins the new volume. And as a heads up. It is vastly different from this one.

No more brutal Dragon and lots of killings. it is more in the direction of adventuring and meeting people.

There will still be fight scenes and Dragon will still be OP. So that part will not be gone from the novel. But as stated, the tone of the story will change a bit.

Thanks for reading this far and hope you stick with me until I finish the novel. Also, the name of the novel will change as we go into this new volume. :)

[And if you want something more brutal and bloody, read my other novel "Child Of God" The MC is not the "nice guy" Dragon is. She is quite brutal..... and a little bit funny.]