Chapter 177

Whitebeard had left some time ago, so Ace, his crew and Amell was left alone on this desolate island. The two of them sat next to each other with Amell floating inches above the ground. "Amell?" Ace said with an expression dying to ask a question.

"Something bothering you?"

"Not bothering me, I'm just curious about whether you ever met my father?" Ace's mind had been stabilized so he could finally start to process this situation.

"You have never really shown acknowledgement towards your father before, why the sudden question about him?" Amell had nothing against this topic of conversation, but he was curious why Ace suddenly asked him that question. He would never read Ace's mind, this boy was family, and he only read family members minds in emergencies.

"How would you know that?" Ace tilted his head to the side.

"Just because I wasn't around doesn't mean I didn't protect you." Amell smiled. He took great pleasure in seeing the confusion on Ace's face.

"You are an enigma, I guess your emperor title fits you." He lightly shook his head and continued, "So, stop dodging the question now. Did you know my father?" Ace's expression became serious.

"No, I did not. If I took an interest in pirates earlier, I could have. I never saw a reason to meet him before. When your father and his crew finished their journey I thought that would be it for them, but little did I know that he would start the biggest pirate era in history. I wonder if that was his plan form the start." Amell's body floated up a few inches and then down again as he contemplated Roger's intentions.

"I don't think it's that great, how could someone rumoured to be so powerful even let himself die like that?" Ace wasn't particularly angry anymore. In his youth, he did hold lots of anger but since meeting Luffy and Sabo, he changed as a person and now he was more interested in knowing what kind of man his father was.

"I did not say his actions were great. I don't agree with what he did for the world in his last moments on it. He started the most chaotic era in history. And let me indulge you in a little secret. Your father wasn't captured or defeated, he surrendered himself to the World Government. Make of that what you will." His words stirred a reaction in Ace, and he could see a change inside the brat's eyes.

"He k-killed himself?"

"Essentially. Your father lived with a very special disease, so he wouldn't have survived either way. I will remind you of something very important. You are not your father, Ace. Whatever he did or set into motion, you do not have to follow. Family is not defined by blood."

"Thanks," Ace listened to his every word, and he was reminiscing about his past. What drove him in the past used to be anger and frustration on everything and everyone, but that's not how he lived his life anymore and he was happy it was so.

"Speaking of family, Luffy is about to begin his pirating adventures, right?" Clearly Ace didn't think Amell knew about Luffy despite all the knowledge he displayed. Ace's expression turned soft after the initial surprise settled down.

"You know about Luffy?"

"Yeah, he sure is something isn't he?" Amell laughed and remembering his brother put Ace in a good mood. A second past and both of them started laughing out loud.

"You boys have grown up nicely. I can't imagine what kind of hell you two will raise in the future."

"Hey, can I ask for a favour?"

"Aren't we family, Ace? Ask away, kid!" Ace's tone a little serious but he was still smiling. His smile hinted at the intention behind his sudden seriousness and Amell was pretty sure he knew what he would ask of him.

"Would you keep an eye on him for me? I know he has grown strong, but as his big brother it's my duty to worry about him and make sure he's safe."

"Not a problem, I quite like your brother so I would like to see what comes next for him. That goes for you as well, if you ever need my help, whisper my name to the wind." A strong breeze past them by in this moment and added another level of mystery to Amell.

"Whisper to the wind, hm, how enigmatic of you." Ace lightly smiled at the emperor. Ace had gone into the world with his view on emperors pretty much the same, arrogant pirates ruling through fear. That opinion was slightly taken off course when he met Red-haired Shanks, and now Amell started to also break down the stereotypical behaviour of an emperor.

"As a Portgas you have my full support and you would be surprised by what kind of forces a single member of the Portgas family can summon to their side."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Ace tilted his head to the side and looked at Amell, "Do I have some secret army I can call upon?" He spoke in a tone that made it obvious that he was joking. But Amell's facial expression told another story outside the one Ace believed.

"Who knows? Rise to the top and defeat me and maybe you'll find out!"

"Okay, now you're freaking me out!" Ace leaned back and gave Amell a strange look. The emperor dismissed the look and gestured towards his crew. "They're waking up, I guess it's time to get moving!" Amell said to Ace and the brat ran over to his crew and prepared to calm them down.

'What incredible potential you have Ace, truly unfortunate that fate fights so hard to kill you. But lucky for you, you don't stand alone against fate. I am here now, and fate is in for the fight of its life if it thinks it can do whatever it wants in my world.' Amell smiled unconsciously as he pondered over Ace's future.

