Chapter 216


Cal and Aokiji's fight had escalated to something truly massive. The icy battlefield had turned to absolute dust, so Aokiji had to keep recreating the ice so he could comfortably fight Cal.

"You're so annoying, why can't you just leave me alone!" They clashed again and the shockwave from their clash caused gigantic waves to form around them.

"Who would be here to keep you from lazying off if I disappeared? Just admit that you need me!" Cal sliced with her sword, missing Aokiji's throat by just a couple millimetres.

"Yeah, I don't know. I would rather take your boss. He is certain to be kinder," Aokiji blocked her sword with his own ice blade.

"I'm hurt! I thought we had a connection, snowflake!"

"I don't know what kind of connection that is. But, usually, friends don't tend to try and kill each other."

"Sure they do! I try to murder Vash all the time, and what's wrong with that? A little spice for your life," Cal said as the waves raged and their weapons were like blurs as they clashed in the middle of the storm they created.

Miles away from them, the Straw hats had gotten into a little trouble. They stood face to face with Mihawk. He got wind of Zoro and decided to test how far he'd come since they met on the Baratie months back.

"Luffy, Sanji, take everyone back to the ship, I'll be right behind you." Zoro wore an excited expression as his swords were released from their restraints and he got into stance. Mihawk still hadn't drawn his sword.

"You've improved, impressive." Mihawk suddenly got flashbacks from his fight with Kenshin and the words left to him by that man echoed in his head.

"I might not be able to beat you yet, but today I will make you fight seriously with that sword." He gazed readily at Mihawk's famous black sword.

"A dog can bark, but can it bite?"

Zoro dashed at them and the fight began. The crew didn't do as told by the vice-captain. They all stood behind and watched the dual. There were barely any marines left in the area, and even the ones that were left couldn't bring themselves to go near that battle. Luffy, Sanji and Zoro were Warlord level so they wouldn't be able to harm them either way.

From a high altitude, a bright flash of light appeared and behind the Straw hats, a laser struck down and Kizaru appeared. His striped yellow suit was slightly dirty, and he had a frown on his face. "Been looking for you, Straw hat. Your crew and I didn't get to finish last time."

"KIZARU!" Usopp disappeared from his spot and hid behind Robin. She had already pressed her emergency button, similar to the one Toshiro gave her.

"Luffy, what do we do now?" Sanji's leg started burning as he got ready for a fight. Even though they stood no chance, they wouldn't die lying down.

"We fight, we escape, and then we'll go to Fishman island!" Luffy activated gear-second and lowered his body. His focus was currently halved, as he wanted more than anything to go over to Ace, but now he had to deal with an Admiral.

INCOMING!" A red blur zoomed past them and Kizaru got kicked in the face by someone. He was sent flying far away and in his place stood Vash, the most energetic among the commanders.

"You called, My Lady!" He turned and bowed to Robin, who in turn smiled in relief.

"Yeah, thanks. I hoped you guys would be nearby. I kinda counted on you not wanting to miss this one out."

"You got that right, I love me a good ol' fashion war. Are these your friends then, the ones I've heard about?" He looked the Straw hats up and down and nodded in approval. "I definitely approve. They seem like good kids."

"They are, so, could you help us get outta here?"

"No problemo, kiddo! YO GINRUMMY! KEEP THAT DUDE BUSY!" Vash yelled to Ginrummy who sat on the Sunny, having almost fallen asleep. His voice was the thing that finally jump-started her again.

"Sure!" She dashed after Kizaru who still hadn't shown himself again, which was weird since he and Vash had quite the rival history together. Though, not as close as Aokiji and Cal were. Kizaru and Vash were more like proper enemies.

"Now, shall we go?" Vash bowed low in exaggeration and hurried them along. What they all forgot was that Zoro was still off in the distance and fighting Mihawk.

